• 第六届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛 


     2020年全球大流行的“新型冠状病毒”对高校教育科研、人才培养和国际交流产生了巨大影响。随着疫情的消退,反思和探索疫情重袭、疫情常态化与后疫情时代高校图书馆文献与服务意义重大。由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)与美国中国图书馆员学会(SCSL) 联合举办的“中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛(SINO-American Academic Library Forum For Cooperation and Development)”自2011年开始,在特色资源、区域国别研究文献建设等专业领域进行了深入交流和探讨,并逐步成为高校图书馆的精品学术论坛。 为进一步展开中美高校图书馆员的合作,主题为“后疫情时代高校图书馆文献与服务新方向”的第六届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛将于2021年7月16-17日中山大学图书馆承办,以在线会议的形式召开。有关会议通知如下。


    主办单位: 中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)、北美中国研究图书馆员学会(SCSL)










     注册过程中遇到任何问题,请联系: CASHL管理中心:徐守杰, 联系电话:010-62767165 电子邮件:xusj@lib.pku.edu.cn




  • 第六届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛


    2020年全球大流行的“新型冠状病毒”对高校教育科研、人才培养和国际交流产生了巨大影响。随着疫情的消退,反思和探索疫情重袭、疫情常态化与后疫情时代高校图书馆文献与服务意义重大。由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)与美国中国图书馆员学会(SCSL) 联合举办的“中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛(SINO-American Academic Library Forum For Cooperation and Development)”自2011年开始,在特色资源、区域国别研究文献建设等专业领域进行了深入交流和探讨,并逐步成为高校图书馆的精品学术论坛。为进一步展开中美图书馆员的合作,主题为“后疫情时代高校图书馆文献与服务新方向”的第六届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛将于2021年7月16-17日中山大学图书馆召开。有关征文事项通知如下。



    分主题1:文献信息建设与文献服务。议题包括但不限于:疫情暴露出高校文献信息资源建设、服务方面的短板、问题、应对措施,经验及未来资源与服务的新方向;疫情背景下高校图书馆、出版商在学术文献、开放获取(Open Access)资源、开放教育资源(Open Educational Resources)等的建设与服务;疫情背景下文献资源与服务的跨校、跨国合作经验。



    分主题4:自由对话。议题包括但不限于:交流和传递双方关注、并希望了解的具体事情;中美高校图书馆双方就对方关心的实际问题互作介绍与解答,如:国内的Interlibrary loan如何操作,中国图书馆学界如何推动open access合作,如何获取中国国内及北美的开放获取数字资源,等等。



    2,摘要提交时间:2021年5月15日前。完整的摘要包括:题目,作者姓名、职位、所属机构、联系方式(含手机号、电子邮箱)。提交文档格式: Word。摘要发送会议组委会 (中国大陆:朱本军 bjzhu@pku.edu.cn;中国大陆之外: 邹秀英 xiuying.zou@claremont.edu)。



    完整论文格式为:(1)标题;(2)作者姓名、职位、所属机构、联系信息;(3)中文 500 字以内或英文 800 个单词以内的摘要;(4)3-7 个关键词;(5)正文,3000-6000字为宜;(6)使用 Word 文档。










    电邮: xiuying.zou@claremont.edu




  • 中方组稿录用名单

    1.       先卫红,浙江旅游职业学院


    2.       王虹,兰州大学图书馆


    3.       张红芹,南京工业大学图书馆


    4.       朱玲* 张海舰 王琪昕,北京大学图书馆


    5.       苏东,南开大学图书馆


    6.       赵艳、 王超、王译晗、叶钰铭,中国科学院文献情报中心


    7.       王乐,复旦大学图书馆


    8.       于燕妮,中国人民大学图书馆


    9.       钟建法,厦门大学图书馆


    10.    郭劲赤、Jie HUANG,华东师范大学图书馆,Pennsylvania State University Libraries




    1.      Dr. Liladhar R. Pendse, University of California-Berkeley Library, U.S.A.

    Sino-Soviet and Russian Collections on China at UC Berkeley Library

    2.      Hana Kim, Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library, University of Toronto Canada

    Facilitating Equity and Access in the Time of COVID-19

    3.      李国庆(Guoqing Li),俄亥俄州立大学图书馆


    4.      柳瀛(Ying Liu),University of Victoria Libraries ,Canada

    加拿大西岸中文报纸的故事: 图书馆电子展览和未来展望(The Stories of Chinese Newspapers on the West Coast, Canada: A Digital Exhibition)

    5.      何剑叶(Jianye He), East Asian Library UC Berkeley, U.S.A.

    Adaptive Library Reference and Instruction Services during the Pandemic:  A Data Analysis of One Library’s Experience

    6.      吴嘉勋(Jiaxun Wu),University of Chicago Library, U.S.A.

    SCSL 十一年: 历史, 经验, 启迪—兼论中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛

    7.      王 立(Li Wang),Brown University Library,U.S.A.


    8.      王成志(Chengzhi Wang),East Asian Library Columbia University,U.S.A.

    Chinese and American Vendors and Libraries Responding Together to the Pandemic: In the Same Storm, on the Same Boat?

    9.      刘静(Jing Liu),University of British Columbia Asian Library,Canada


    10.   李唐(Tang Li),University of Southern California, U.S.A.

    新冠疫情下大学教授与图书馆员的合作:以南加大张爱玲百年庆典为例(Faculty-Librarian Collaboration under COVID-19: A Case Study of the Eileen Chang Centennial Celebration at USC)

    11.   Dr Esther Woo, Fung Ping Shan Librarian, HKU Libraries

    Creating multidimensional impact with rare book collections through campus collaboration

    12.   陈肃(Su Chen), East Asian Library       University of California - Los Angeles,U.S.A.

    Chinese Studies Scholars Oral History Project


  • 会议软件 | Online conference platform: 腾讯会议/voov meeting

    会议ID | Meeting ID: 879 5943 5082

    密码 | Password: 666666


    日期 / 时间

    Date / Time





    开幕式 (Opening   Ceremony)

    主持人 / Moderators

    何文平(Wenping HE

    中山大学图书馆馆长(Director, Sun Yat-sen University   Library





    北京71608:30-08:50 USA (PDT) 7/15 17:30-17:50 USA (EDT) 7/15 20:30-20:50

    中山大学校领导致辞 (Remarks by   Assistant President of Sun Yat-sen University)

    王帆Fan   WANG

    中山大学校长助理(Assistant President , Sun Yat-sen University

    中国高校人文社会科学文献中心CASHL导致辞Remarks by   Director of CASHL

    陈建龙(Jianlong   CHEN


    Director,   Peking University Library


    北美中国研究图书馆员学会SCSL轮值主席致辞Remarks by SCSL President

    吴嘉勋(Jiaxun WU

    芝加哥大学东亚图书馆中国研究馆员Chinese Studies Librarian, East Asian Library, University of Chicago

    北京71608:50-08:55 USA (PDT) 7/15 17:50-17:55 USA (EDT) 7/15 20:50-20:55


    会议合影 / VIRTUAL   PHOTO

    主旨报告 / KEYNOTE   SPEECH

    北京71608:55-09:25 USA (PDT) 7/15 17:55-18:25 USA (EDT) 7/15 20:55-21:25


    New Directions of Collections Development   and Services at Chinese Academic   Libraries in Post- pandemic Era

    陈建龙(Jianlong   CHEN


    Director,   Peking University Library

    北京71609:25-09:55 USA (PDT) 7/15 18:25-18:55 USA (EDT) 7/15 21:25-21:55

    北美的学术图书馆与中国研究——历史回顾   与前景展望Academic Libraries and Chinese Studies in North America:   Review and Outlook

    杨继东(Jidong YANG

    美国斯坦福大学东亚图书馆馆长 (Head,   East

    Asia Library, Stanford   University

    北京71609:55-10:00 USA (PDT) 7/15 18:55-19:00 USA (EDT) 7/15 21:55-22:00


    问答 & 转场


    主题报告 / SUBJECT   SPEECH

    主持人 / Moderators

    童云海(Yunhai TONG

    北京大学图书馆副馆长 (Deputy Director, Peking University   Library)


    北京71610:00-10:20 USA (PDT) 7/15 19:00-19:20 USA (EDT) 7/15 22:00-22:20

    SCSL十一年: 历史, 经验, 启迪—兼论中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛Eleven Years of SCSL: History, Experience and Contemplation- Also on   the Sino-American Academic Library Forum for Cooperation and Development

    吴嘉勋 (Jiaxun WU)

    芝加哥大学东亚图书馆中国研究馆员   Chinese Studies Librarian, East Asian Library, University of Chicago




    日期 / 时间

    Date / Time






    北京71610:20-10:40 USA (PDT) 7/15 19:20-19:40 USA (EDT) 7/15 22:20-22:40


    ———以中山大学图书馆为例Research on the Public Health Governance and Service System of University   Libraries——Taking Sun Yat-sen University   Library as an Example


    王蕾(Lei   WANG

    中山大学图书馆副馆长(Deputy   Director, Sun

    Yat-sen University Library

    北京71610:40-10:55 USA (PDT) 7/15 19:40-19:55 USA (EDT) 7/15 22:40-22:55


    Facilitating Equity   and Access in the Time of COVID-19

    金河那(Hana   KIM


    Director, Cheng   Yu Tung East Asian Library, University   of Toronto

    北京71610:55-11:10 USA (PDT) 7/15 19:55-20:10 USA (EDT) 7/15 22:55-23:10


    Transformations   of Academic Library Services

    in the Post-Pandemic Era

    王新才(Xincai   WANG

    武汉大学图书馆馆长DirectorWuhan University


    北京71611:10-11:25 USA (PDT) 7/15 20:10-20:25 USA   (EDT) 7/15 23:10-23:25



    Studies   Scholars Oral History Project

    陈肃(Su CHEN

    美国加州大学洛杉矶分校东亚图书馆馆长(Head, Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library, University of   California at Los Angeles

    北京71611:25-11:40 USA (PDT) 7/15 20:25-20:40 USA   (EDT) 7/15 23:25-23:40

    重大事件专题特藏及平台建设——“战疫中的复旦”(Development of Special Collections and Platform for Significant Events:   Fudan University during the   Battle Against COVID-19

    王乐(Le   WANG)

    复旦大学图书馆副馆长   (Deputy Director, Fudan

    University   Library

    北京71611:40-12:00 USA (PDT) 7/15 20:40-21:00 USA (EDT) 7/15 23:40-24:00




    USA (PDT) 7/15 21:00-1605:30 USA (EDT)   7/15 24:00-1608:30


    休息 / REST

    主题报告 / SUBJECT   SPEECH

    主持人 / Moderators

    王蕾Lei WANG

    中山大学图书馆副馆长(Deputy Director, Sun Yat-sen   University Library

    北京71620:30-20:45 USA (PDT) 7/16 05:30-05:45 USA   (EDT) 7/16 08:30-08:45

    国外一流高校图书馆COVID-19专题特色资源建设调查研究   (A Survey of the Development of Special and   Unique Collections on COVID-19 at Top-ranked Academic Libraries Overseas)

    王虹(Hong WANG


    Lanzhou   University Library


    北京71620:45-21:00 USA (PDT) 7/16 05:45-06:00 USA   (EDT) 7/16 08:45-09:00


    作乐崇德—跨部门协作推广馆藏善本计划(Creating Multidimensional Impact with Rare Book Collections through Campus Collaboration)

    胡美华(Esther WOO)

    香港大学图书馆执行馆长及冯平山图书馆馆 长 (Director of Library Services and Fung Ping Shan Librarian,   University of Hong Kong Libraries)

    北京71621:00-21:15 USA (PDT) 7/16 06:00-06:15 USA (EDT) 7/16 09:00-09:15

    疫情下高校图书馆文献资源服务体系重构探讨   (A Look at Restructuring/Reframing Academic   Libraries’ Resources and Services during the Pandemic)

    朱玲(Ling   ZHU)

    北京大学图书馆副研究馆员Librarian, Peking   University Library


    北京71621:15-21:30 USA (PDT) 7/16 06:15-06:30 USA (EDT) 7/16 09:15-09:30

    整合学术资源生态系统,适应教学研究需求趋势——布朗大学东亚图书馆的实践、经验和思(Integrating   the Scholarly Resource Ecosystem, Adapting   to the Trend of Teaching and Research Needs:   Practice, Experience and   Reflections of East Asian Library at Brown University

    王立Li WANG

    布朗大学东亚图书馆馆长 (Curator   of East

    Asian   Collection, Brown University

    北京71621:30-21:45 USA (PDT) 7/16 06:30-06:45 USA   (EDT) 7/16 09:30-09:45

    后疫情时代的学术图书馆数字资源引进:主张与策略   Launching   Digital Resources at Academic   Libraries in the Post-Pandemic Era:   Ideas and Strategies

    叶钰铭(Yuming YE

    中国科学院文献情报中心   (Librarian, National   Science Library, Chinese Academy   of Sciences




    日期 / 时间

    Date / Time





    主持人 / Moderators

    别立谦(Liqian BIE)

    北京大学图书馆副馆长 (Deputy Director, Peking University   Library)

    北京71621:45-22:00 USA (PDT) 7/16 06:45-07:00 USA   (EDT) 7/16 09:45-10:00

    新冠疫情下大学教授与图书馆员的合作:以南加大张爱玲百年庆典为例Faculty-Librarian   Collaboration under COVID-19: A Case Study of the Eileen Chang Centennial Celebration at USC

    李唐(Tang   LI)


    Chinese Studies Librarian, East Asian Library,

    University   of Southern California

    北京71622:00-22:15 USA (PDT) 7/16 07:00-07:15 USA (EDT) 7/16 10:00-10:15

    疫情冲击下的数据资源建设与服务短版问题和应对策略(Problems Encountered and Strategies Developed when   Providing Digital Resources and Services during the Pandemic

    钟建法(Jianfa   ZHONG)

    厦门大学图书馆   Librarian, Xiamen   University Library

    北京71622:15-22:30 USA (PDT) 7/16 07:15-07:30 USA (EDT) 7/16 10:15-10:30

    联手抗疫的中、美供应商和图书馆:风雨同舟?   (Chinese and American Vendors and Libraries   Responding Together to the Pandemic: In the Same Storm, on the Same Boat?)

    王成志(Chengzhi   WANG


    Chinese Studies Librarian, East Asian Library,

    Columbia University


    USA (PDT) 7/16 07:30-07:45 USA (EDT)71610:30-10:45

    加拿大卑诗省大专院校联盟开放教育图书馆员社区实践与启发Community Practice and Enlightenment of Open Education Librarians of the Union of British Columbia

    先卫红(Weihong   XIAN


    Librarian,   Tourism College of Zhejiang


    USA (PDT) 7/16 07:45-08:00 USA (EDT) 71610:45-11:00



    主题报告 / SUBJECT   SPEECH

    主持人 / Moderators

    杨玉蓉(Yurong Atwill

    美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学图书馆亚洲研究馆员 ( Asian   Studies LibrarianThe   Pennsylvania State University Libraries)



    USA (PDT) 71617:30-17:45 USA (EDT) 7/16 20:30-20:45



    Introduction to Ex Libris Seals of Guangdong Book   Collectors Seen at Overseas Libraries

    李国庆(Guoqing LI)

    美国俄亥俄州立大学教授/图书馆中韩文部主任Professor/Chinese and Korean Studies Librarian, Ohio University Libraries

    北京71708:45-09:00 USA (PDT) 7/16 17:45-18:00 USA (EDT) 7/16 20:45-21:00


    Information Literacy in the Post-pandemic   Period: Taking China   National Key Universities as Examples

    郭劲赤(Jinchi   GUO)


    East   China Normal University Library

    北京71709:00-09:15 USA (PDT) 7/16 18:00-18:15 USA (EDT) 7/16 21:00-21:15


    Collaboration & Win-win: Overseas   Chinese Studies Library Work during   the Pandemic

    刘静(Jing LIU

    加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学亚州图书馆中文部主任Chinese Studies Librarian, Asian Library, University   of British Columbia


    北京71709:15-09:30 USA (PDT) 7/16 18:15-18:30 USA (EDT) 7/16 21:15-21:30

    通过俄罗斯视角重新想象中国: 加州大学伯克利分校图书馆的俄罗斯/苏联收藏China

    Reimagined through Russian Lens: Russian/ Soviet Collections   at UC Berkeley Library

    Liladhar R. Pendse

    美国加州大学伯克利分校图书馆东欧与欧亚研究图书馆员   (Librarian, East European and Eurasian Studies, University   of California- Berkeley

    北京71709:30-09:45 USA (PDT) 7/16 18:30-18:45 USA (EDT) 7/16 21:30-21:45

    加拿大西岸中文报纸的故事: 图书馆电子展览和未来展望   (The Stories of Chinese Newspapers on the West Coast, Canada: A Digital Exhibition

    柳瀛(Ying LIU

    加拿大维多利亚大学图书馆亚洲研究馆员(Asian Studies Librarian, University of Victoria Libraries




    日期 / 时间

    Date / Time





    主持人 / Moderators

    党跃武(Yuewu DANG

    四川大学图书馆馆长(Director,Sichuan University Library


    北京71709:45-10:00 USA (PDT) 7/16 18:45-19:00 USA (EDT) 7/16 21:45-22:00

    应对新冠肺炎疫情背景下的原文传递服务实践与思考——以BALIS原文传递服务为例Thoughts and Practice of Document Delivery Services during COVID-19:   Taking BALIS Document   Delivery Service as an Example


    于燕妮(Yanni YU

    中国人民大学图书馆Librarian, Renmin University   of China Library


    北京71710:00-10:15 USA (PDT) 7/16 19:00-19:15 USA (EDT) 7/16 22:00-22:15

    高校电子资源校外访问服务现状与思考——基   于新冠肺炎疫情防控期间的服务调研Some Thoughts   on the Current State of Remote Access to   Electronic Resources at the Academic Librariesbased on Surveys for Service during the Pandemic


    张红芹(Hongqin   ZHANG


    Nanjing   University of Technology Library

    北京71710:15-10:30 USA (PDT) 7/16 19:15-19:30 USA (EDT) 7/16 22:15-22:30

    疫情之后高校图书馆数字资源建设的变化与思考(Changes and Reflections on Academic

    Library Digital Resources Development in the Post- Pandemic Era

    邵敏(Min   SHAO

    清华大学图书馆副馆长(Deputy   Director

    Tsinghua University Library


    北京71710:30-10:45 USA (PDT) 7/16 19:30-19:45 USA (EDT) 7/16 22:30-22:45

    应对疫情的参考咨询与教学服务:对加州大学伯克利分校图书馆相关数据的分析   (Adaptive Library Reference and Instruction Services during the Pandemic: A Data Analysis of One Library’s Experience

    何剑叶 (Jianye   HE)

    美国加州大学伯克利分校东亚图书馆中文馆员Librarian for   Chinese Collections, East Asian Library, UC Berkeley


    北京71710:45-11:00 USA (PDT) 7/16 19:45-20:00 USA   (EDT) 7/16 22:45-23:00

    从福尔曼资料的获取,看美国大学图书馆疫情期间特色文献的服务及借鉴Access to Forman Papers/Materials--An Exam of Services around Unique Collections   in the US Academic Libraries during the Pandemic and Lessons to Learn


    苏东 (Dong SU)

    南开大学图书馆Librarian, Nankai   University


    北京71711:00-11:15 USA (PDT) 7/16 20:00-20:15 USA (EDT) 7/16 23:00-23:15



    主持人 / Moderators

    司徒萍(Ping  SITU

    美国亚利桑那大学东亚研究图书馆员East Asian   Studies Librarian, The University   of Arizona)   王   维 (Wei WANG)

    弗吉尼亚大学图书馆东亚研究图书馆员(Research Librarian for East   Asian Studies University of Virginia Library



    北京71711:15-11:50 USA (PDT) 7/16 20:15-20:50 USA (EDT) 7/16 23:15-23:50

    自由交谈(FREE TALK

    国际馆际互借服务International Interlibrary Loan and Related Services中文电子书库Chinese ebook   Databases

    数字化合作项目有关议题Collaboration on Digital or Digitization Projects开放获取资源/开放教育资源Open Access/Open Education Resources

    智慧图书馆(Smart/Intelligent   Academic Library

    特色资源建设与服务(Special   resources Development & Services

    主持人 / Moderators

    姚晓霞(Xiaoxia YAO

    北京大学图书馆副馆长(Deputy Director, Peking University   Library)

    北京71711:50-11:55 USA (PDT) 7/16 20:50-20:55 USA   (EDT) 7/16 23:50-23:55


    征文颁奖 / AWARD

    姚晓霞(Xiaoxia   YAO

    北京大学图书馆副馆长(Deputy   Director,

    Peking   University Library



    北京71711:55-12:00 USA (PDT) 7/16 20:55-21:00 USA (EDT) 7/16 23:55-24:00




    总结发言 / CONCLUSION

    陈建龙(Jianlong   CHEN


    Director,   Peking University Library

    吴嘉勋 (Jiaxun   WU)

    芝加哥大学东亚图书馆中国研究馆员   Chinese Studies Librarian, East Asian Library, University of Chicago

  • 第六届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛在中山大学召开

    7月16日-17日,“第六届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛”在中山大学召开。本次论坛由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library, CASHL)、北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society for China Studies Librarians,SCSL)与中山大学图书馆联合主办。中山大学校长助理王帆,中国高校人文社会科学文献中心管理中心主任、北京大学图书馆馆长陈建龙,北美中国研究图书馆员学会轮值主席、芝加哥大学东亚图书馆中国研究馆员吴嘉勋以及来自北美、欧洲、中国大陆、港澳台地区约330位专家学者参加了会议。本次论坛主题为“后疫情时代高校图书馆文献与服务新方向”,以线上会议的形式举行。


    主旨报告环节,陈建龙主任作题为《后疫情时代中国高校图书馆的资源建设与服务》报告。报告回顾了中国抗击疫情的艰辛历程,总结了高校图书馆在疫情防控期间为保护读者和馆员健康、保障高校在线教学和科研顺利开展而推出的一系列应急措施和创新型服务,提出创新型的高校图书馆应坚持“服务至上 馆员为先”,践行“助人、精进、融洽、通变”理念。美国斯坦福大学东亚图书馆馆长杨继东的报告题目为《北美的学术图书馆与中国研究——历史回顾与前景展望》。报告系统梳理了北美学术图书馆与中国研究的发展历史,并对未来北美中国研究文献的发展前景做出展望。他认为北美对中国研究文献的需求将继续保持在较高水平,各馆之间的合作和协调将大大加强,各馆对特色资源的重视程度将持续加大,数字资源和数字研究方法将在中国研究学界推广并持续产生影响,并对学术图书馆的服务提出更高要求。




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  • 发言人暨主持人简介

    Brief Introduction to Presenters / Moderators



    Brief Introduction to Presenters from China


    陈建龙 | Jianlong CHEN

    教授、博士生导师,现任北京大学图书馆馆长,教育部高校图工委主任、中国图书馆学会副理事长、CALIS管理中心副主任、CASHL管理中心主任。曾赴美国加州大学欧文分UC Irvine访问,主要研究方向:信息服务、信息资源管理、信息化与信息行为等。代表作有《信息服务学导论》《信息市场经营与信息用户》等专著和《信息服务模式研究》《论大学图书馆信息服务创新的细分与整合》《大学图书馆现代化转型发展刍议》《大学图书馆的本来、外来和未来——以北京大学图书馆为例》等论文。Dr. Jianlong Chen is the Professor and Director of the Peking University Library; Director of the Steering Committee for Academic Libraries of China, the Ministry of Education; Deputy Director of the Library Society of China; Deputy Director of China Academic Library and Information System(CALIS), and Director of China Academic Humanities and Social Sciences Library (CASHL). He had ever visited University of California at Irvine in the United States. His main research interests include information service, information resource management, informatization and information behavior. His major academic works include “Introduction to Information Service”, “Information Market Operation and Information Users” , “A Study on Information Service Mode”, “The Subdivision and Integration Strategy of Information Service Innovation in Academic Libraries”, “Discussion on the Transformation of Academic Libraries Modernization”, “The Origin, Externality and Future of Academic Library --Taking Peking University Library as an Example”, etc.

     王蕾 | Lei WANG

    博士,中山大学图书馆副馆长、研究馆员。图书馆学、历史学硕士生研究生导师。兼任中国图书馆学会学术研究委员会图书馆史研究专业委员会副主任、广东图书馆学会常务理事等。主管文献资源数字化建设、信息技术、学术研究、对外交流等。主持和参与科研项30余项,出版学术专著4部,主编9部,参编著作11部,发表学术论文50余篇。主要研究领域:图书馆管理、图书史与图书馆史、特藏资源建设与管理、民间历史文献保护与数字人文研究、图书馆数字化等。Dr. Lei WANG is Deputy Director and Research Librarian of Sun Yat-sen University Library. She advises the graduate students in Library Science and  History.  She serves  as the deputy director of the Library History Research Committee, Academic Research Committee, Library Society of China. She is also the executive director of Guangdong Library Society. She is in charge of digital resource development, information technology, academic research, foreign exchange, etc. She has served as principle investigator for more than 30 scientific research projects, and published 4 academic monographs and 50 academic papers. She was the chief editors for 9 books, and co-editor for 11 books. Her main research fields include library management, history of the book and the library, special collection development and management, preservation of folk historical literature and Digital Humanities, library digitization, etc.

      王新才 | Xincai WANG 

    博士,教授,武汉大学图书馆馆长,教育部高校图工委副主任,中国图书馆学会常务理事,中国图书馆学会阅读推广委员会副主任,湖北省高校图工委副主任兼秘书长,湖北省图书馆学会副会长。Dr. Xincai Wang is the Professor and Director of Wuhan University Library. He is the deputy director of Library and Information Committee for Academic Libraries, the Ministry of Education; executive director of China Library Society; deputy director of Reading Promotion Committee of China Library Society; deputy director and secretary general of Library and Information Committee for Academic Libraries of Hubei Province, and vice president of Hubei Library Society.

     王乐 | Le WANG 

    副研究馆员,复旦大学图书馆副馆长,图书情报专业硕士导师。中国科学技术情报学会理事、全国图书馆标准化技术委员会委员、中国图书馆学会用户研究与服务专委会委员、上海科学技术情报学会理事、上海图书馆学会用户与信息服务专委会委员。主要分管业务:馆藏建设、资源组织、特藏建设与服务、情报研究、CASHLLe Wang is the Associate Research Librarian and Deputy Director of Fudan University Library, and advisor for students pursuing Master of Library and Information Sciences. She serves as the director of China Society for Scientific and Technical Information; member of the National Library Standardization Technical Committee, member of Special Committee for User Studies and Services, China Library Society; member of Shanghai Society For Scientific and Technical Information; member of Special Committee for User Studies and Services, Shanghai Library Society. Her main job responsibilities include collection development, resource organization, special collection development and service, information research, and CASHL.

     邵敏 | Min SHAO 

    工学硕士。清华大学图书馆副馆长,副研究馆员,主管文献资源建设。教育部图书情报工作指导委员会委员、中图学会资源建设与共享专业委员会委员、高校图书馆数字资源采购联盟DRAA副理事长、《图书情报工作》编委。Min Shao has a master’s degree in Engineering. She is currently the Deputy Director of Tsinghua University Library, and an associate research librarian, in charge of collection development. She serves on the Steering Committee for Academic Libraries of  China, as  the vice chairperson of the Digital Resources Acquisition Alliance (DRAA) of Chinese Academic Libraries, as well as an editorial board member of the journal Library and Information Service.

     先卫红 | Weihong XIAN 

    浙江旅游职业学院图书馆副研究馆员,图书馆学硕士。多年在高职图书馆从事文献资源建设、服务和研究工作。研究方向包括文献资源建设、学科服务、图书馆数字人文、信息素养教育以及图书馆生存力提升等方面研究。Weihong Xian is an Associate Research Librarian of the Tourism College of Zhejiang.  She has a master’s degree in Library Science. For many years Weihong has been engaged    in developing information resources, providing services and research support for higher vocational libraries. Her research interests include collection development and subject service, Digital Humanities for libraries, information literacy education and library survivability promotion.

     郭劲赤 | Jinchi GUO 

    华东师范大学图书馆研究支持部情报咨询部,副研究馆员,研究方向:信息素养、信息检索、社交媒体等。长期从事信息检索、信息素养相关课程的教学,主讲研究生课程,《文献调研与信息检索》在新东方学习库上线。主持国家社科基金等科研项目,发表SSCI论文四篇。Jinchi Guo is an Associate Research Librarian at the Research Support Department(Information Consulting Department) of East China Normal University Library. Her research interests include information literacy, information retrieval, social media, etc. Jinchi has been teaching information retrieval and information literacy courses for many years. Her primary teaching focus are postgraduate courses on Literature research and information retrieval in online New Oriental Learning Library. She was in charge of the National Social Science Fund and other scientific research projects. She published four SSCI papers.

     叶钰铭 | Yuming YE

     中国科学院大学/中国科学院文献情报中心硕士研究生。研究方向为信息资源组织,跟随导师从事开放获取推进、开放科学政策体系的相关研究与实践。公众号“OA2020”运营者之一,主要跟踪国际开放获取与开放出版转换的最新动向与实践进展,参与中科院和NSTL开放获取课题多项,参与开放获取培训研讨活动的组织与筹备。Yuming Ye has a master's degree in Literature and Information from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences/National Science Library, CAS, China. Her research interest is information resource organization. She is engaged in research and practice related to Open Access promotion and Open Science policy system with her advisor. Yuming is one of the operators of the official account of "OA2020" that mainly tracks the latest trends and practical  progress of the international Open Access and Open publication transformation. She has participated in organizing and preparing Open Access related training programs as well as engaged in a number of Open Access projects for the Chinese Academy of Sciences and NSTL.

     张红芹 | Hongqin ZHANG

    南京工业大学副研究馆员,情报学硕士。在南京工业大学图书馆从事资源建设、资源评估与管理相关工作多年;擅长信息资源评价、文献计量学、数字资源检索与利用等。主持江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目一项,作为核心成员参与国家社会科学基金规划项目、教育部人文社会科学项目、江苏省教育科学“十三五”规划课题等,发表核心期刊论10余篇。获江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖、江苏省图书馆学情报学学术成果一等奖、二等奖等。Hongqin Zhang is an Associate Research Librarian at the Nanjing Tech University Library. She has a Master in Information Science. She has worked on resource development, evaluation and management for many years, and has been specialized in resource evaluation, bibliometrics, digital resources retrieval and utilization. She led a research project as part of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Program in Jiangsu Universities, participated as a core member in the planning of the National Social Science Foundation projects, participated in the Humanities and Social Sciences Projects of the Ministry of Education, and planning for the 13th Five-year Education Science projects in Jiangsu Province. She has published more than ten research papers in core journals. She won the Third Prize of  the Excellent Achievements in  Philosophy and Social Sciences Research in Jiangsu Province, the First Prize and the Second Prize of Academic Achievements in Library Science and Information Science in Jiangsu Province.

     王虹 | Hong WANG

    教育学硕士,副研究馆员,兰州大学图书馆工作。先后承担医学文献检索课教学、文献编目、数字资源建设等工作。主要研究方向为特色数字资源建设,在《图书与情报》、《图书馆学研究》等学术期刊上发表论文十余篇。Hong WANG has a Master in Education. She is an Associate Research Librarian at the Lanzhou University Library. She has been teaching medical literature retrieval, and participates in cataloging and digital resources development. Her research interests include the development of special digital resources. She has published more than ten papers in academic journals including Library & Information, and Research in Library Science.

     钟建法 | Jianfa ZHONG

    研究馆员,厦门大学图书馆经济与管理分馆主任。长期从事文献信息资源建设、学科服务和研究生信息检索课教学等工作与研究。发表学术论文20余篇,出版专著1部,参编著4部。Jianfa Zhong is a Research Librarian and Director of the Economics and Management Branch Library of Xiamen University Library. He has been working on information resources development, subject related services and teaching graduate level course on information retrieval for a long time. He has published one book, more than 20 academic papers, and participated in the compilation of four books.

     朱玲 | Ling ZHU

    副研究馆员,北京大学图书馆知识资源服务中心副主任。先后从事资源发现系统的研究和应用,电子资源管理和导航系统的开发维护,开放研究数据平台的规划建设,电子资源使用统计,图书馆流通服务和馆际互借服务等工作,研究方向:数字图书馆建设、元数据与数字资源长期保存技术,图书馆文献服务和管理等。Ling Zhu is an Associate Research Librarian. She is currently the Deputy Director of the Knowledge Resource Service Center, Peking University Library. She has  been  engaged in the research and application of resource discovery system, the development and maintenance of electronic resource management and navigation system, the planning and construction of open research data platform, use statistics of electronic resources, and library circulation service and interlibrary loan service, etc. Her research interests include digital library construction, metadata and long-term preservation technology of digital resources, library literature service and management, etc.

     于燕妮 | Yanni YU

    北京外国语大学澳大利亚社会与文化研究专业,文学硕士。2002年至2015年期间,曾就职于北京奥组委、北京市人民政府外事办公室,从事外语培训、友好城市交流等工作。20158月至2020年底,任中国人民大学图书馆馆员,从事原文传递服务工作。20182-20196月,担任美国麻州大学波士顿孔子学院中方院长。20211月至今,主持藏书馆工作,兼任人文学科馆员。主要研究领域:原文传递服务、高校图书馆特色馆藏的数据化与数字化、小语种馆藏建设与学科服务等。Yanni Yu earned her MA in Australian social and cultural studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University. From 2002 to 2015, She worked in BOCOG and Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal People's Government, engaged in foreign language training and exchanges between friend cities. From August 2015 to the end of 2020, she served as a librarian at the Renmin University of China, engaged in document delivery service. From February 2018 to June 2019, she served as the Chinese President of the Confucius Institute  at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. From January 2021 to now, she has been in charge of the library and concurrently serves as the librarian of humanities. Her main research fields include: document delivery service, digitization of special collections in university libraries, collection development and subject service in small languages, etc.

     苏东 | Dong SU

    南开大学图书馆资深馆员,长期担任南开大学图书馆馆际互借与文献传递服务主管,曾2014年荣获CASHL资深优秀馆员奖。Dong Su is a senior librarian of Nankai University Library. She has been the director of interlibrary loan and document delivery service of Nankai University Library for a long time. She won the CASHL senior excellent librarian award in 2014.



    Brief Introduction to Presenters from North America


    吴嘉勋 | Jiaxun WU

    芝加哥大学图书馆中国研究馆员。 先后毕业于复旦大学, 南加州大学及圣何塞州立大学, 获得历史学硕士和信息暨图书馆学硕士。 作为学科研究馆员, 负责中国研究, 东亚研究的中英文资源搜集,馆藏发展, 及教学咨询工作。 研究兴趣包括: 中国文化思想史, 中国近代史, 图书馆学及文献书目。 曾获得十余个奖状证书, 包括优秀学术成就奖。 应邀主持多个国际和国内的学术会议,曾被邀请作为学术讨论会上的唯一主讲人。多次在学术会议上提交论文,发表了十多篇论著, 包括:汉初政治思想论,论章太炎辛亥革命时期的国家学说,论梁启超18991903年间的国家学说,The Internet vs. LibraryA Survey Study of College StudentsThe American Recognition on China’s Risewith Special Attention on Bibliographic Study。积极参与各种协会委员会活动, 曾担任主任, 副主席,主席等职责。 现任中国研究图书馆员学会主席,东亚图书馆协会中国资源委员会委员,华人图书馆员协会国际关系委员会联席主席(2020-2021)。Jiaxun Wu is the Chinese Studies Librarian in University of Chicago Library. He graduated from Fudan University, University of Southern California, and San Jose State Universityand received MA in History and MLIS in Library & Information Science. As a Subject/Area Studies Librarian, Jiaxun is responsible for collection of Chinese and English resources on Chinese studies, East Asian studies, collection development, instruction, consultation and reference services. His research interests include: Chinese cultural and intellectual history, modern Chinese history, library science, and bibliography and philology. He has received more than ten awards and certificates, including Outstanding Academic Achievement Award. He was invited to preside over quite a number of international and domestic academic conferences, and was once invited as the only keynote speaker at an academic seminar. He presented papers quite a number of times at academic conferences, and published more than ten articles and books, including: Comments on Political Thought in the Early Han Dynasty, On Zhang Binglin’s (Taiyan) Theory of the State around the Revolution of 1911, On Liang Qichao’s Theory of the State from 1899 to 1903, The Internet vs. Library— A Survey Study of College Students, The American Recognition on  China’s  Rise—with Special Attention on Bibliographic Study. He actively participated in the committee activities of various associations and served as director, vice president and president. Currently he serves as president of Society for Chinese Studies Librarians (SCSL), member of Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) Committee on Chinese Materials, Co-Chair of Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) International Relations Committee (2020-2021).

    杨继东 | Jidong YANG

    北京大学历史系学士,宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)亚洲和中东研究博士,罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)图书馆和情报学硕士。曾任宾夕法尼亚大学图书馆中国研究馆员、密歇根大学亚洲图书馆馆长,现任斯坦福大学东亚图书馆馆长。学术兴趣包括中国古代历史和文学、佛教史、敦煌学、丝绸之路考古与历史、数字人文学和图书馆史。曾在《亚洲史学报》(Journal of Asian History)、《国际佛教研究学会学报》(Journal of the International Association for Buddhist Studies)、《中国文学:随笔、文章和书评》(Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews)、《美国东方学会学报》(Journal of the American Oriental Society)、《中华文史论丛》、《天禄论丛》等中外学术刊物上发表过多篇论文,并参加了《中国文学信息史》(Literary Information in China: A History,哥伦比亚大学出版社)等论著的集体撰写工作。其主编的《书籍之外:北美地区收藏的东亚研究珍稀资料》(Beyond the Book: Unique and Rare Primary Sources Collected in North America)即将由美国亚洲协会(Association for Asian Studies)出版。其译自俄文的有关古代中亚语言和中国近代史的若干学术论文发表在《西北民族研究》和《中国近代史译丛》等刊物上。Jidong Yang received a bachelor's degree in History from Peking University, a doctoral degree in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Pennsylvania, and a master's degree in Library  and  Information Sciences from Rutgers  University. He served  as the Chinese Studies Librarian at the University of Pennsylvania Library and Head of Asia Library of the University of Michigan, before joining Stanford University as the Head of East Asia Library in 2013. His academic interests include pre-modern Chinese history and literature, history of Buddhism, Dunhuang studies, archaeology and history of  the Silk Road, digital humanities, and history of the library. He published in a number of English and Chinese scholarly journals including the Journal of Asian History, Journal of  the International Association for Buddhist Studies, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Essays on Chinese Literature and History (中华文史论丛), and Collected Essays on Chinese Studies by East Asian Studies Librarians in North America (天禄论丛). He also contributed to several collective book projects such as the Literary Information in China: A History (Columbia University Press). His edited work, Beyond the Book: Unique and Rare Primary Sources for East Asian Studies Collected in North America, will soon be published by the Association for  Asian Studies. He also translated some Russian scholarly articles on ancient Central Asian languages and  modern Chinese history into Chinese, which were published in the Studies  on Northwestern Minorities (西北民族研究) and Translated Studies on Modern Chinese History (中国近代史译丛).

    李国庆 | Guoqing LI

    毕业于中国北京大学和美国印第安纳大学,美国俄亥俄州立大学终身教授、图书馆中韩文部主任。曾兼任武汉大学、广西师范大学客座教授,北京外国语大学海外中国学研究中心高级研究员、上海师范大学特聘教授。2004年起担任国家图书馆出版社《亲历中国》丛书主编和广西师范大学出版社《中国研究外文旧籍汇刊--中国记录》主编。2009年创办《天禄论丛》,任共同主编。2011年发起成立北美中国研究图书馆员学会并当选为会长、执行长。2015年受中华书局委托,参与主持《海外中文古籍总目》的编撰。2017年当选美国中国研究联合会理事会主席,并任香港城市大学出版社《海外华人学者中国研究文丛》共同主编。2019年起任广东人民出版社《遗落在西方的广州记忆》丛书主编。 研究兴趣包括中国文学、英美文学、文献学、图书馆学、中西交流史、海外中国学等。在上述领域都有编著、译著和论文,2020年以来发表论文有《北美四家图书馆中文古籍钤印经眼录》《时得一二遗八九——藏书印的释读与辨误刍议》《枝叶婆娑-- 美国“中国研究图书馆员学会”十年回顾》《怀旧难任向笛悲》和《美国国会图书馆藏抄本<太和正音谱>系书贾伪造考》(合作),编译有《庚子北京被围记》(译校)、《中国研究外文旧籍汇刊-中国记录》第12辑(10种,合作、《美国伊利诺伊—香槟大学图书馆中文古籍目录》(编审)、《加拿大麦吉尔大学图书馆中文古籍目录 加拿大维多利亚大学图书馆中文古籍目录》(编审)等。Guoqing Li graduated from Beijing University and Indiana University, currently is a professor and head of Chinese and Korean Studies Collections at the Ohio State University. Once a guest professor of Wuhan University, Guangxi Normal University, Beijing Foreign Languages University and Shanghai Normal University, he is currently an editor-in-chief    of several book series such as Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record., China Studies—International Outlook, Guangzhou in the Memory of Westerners, and the president of United Society of China Studies. He has a broad scholarly interests and, in the last year, published journal articles titled “Correction of  Seals Recorded on four Library Catalogues  of Chinese Ancient Books”, “In Memory of Old Colleagues”, “Approaches of Recognizing Ex-Libris Seal: Theory and Practice” and “The Ten-year History and Development of the Society of Chinese Studies Librarians”.

     潘斯 | Liladhar R. Pendse

     潘斯现任加州大学伯克利分校图书馆斯拉夫、东欧、中亚、加勒比以及拉丁美洲研究馆员。获加州大学洛杉矶分校图书馆信息学硕士、博士学位。曾就职于普林斯顿大学图书馆以及加州大学洛杉矶分校图书馆。Dr. Liladhar R. Pendse is the librarian for Slavic, East European, Central Asian, and the Caribbean and Latin American Studies Collections at the University of California-Berkeley. He has a doctorate from UCLA and MLIS/MA from UCLA. Before coming to UC Berkeley, Liladhar has worked as a librarian at Princeton University and UCLA.

    金河那 | Hana Kim

     金河那现任加拿大多伦多大学郑裕彤东亚图书馆馆长。在此之前,她曾于2014至2016 年间担任位于加拿大温哥华的不列颠哥伦比亚大学东亚图书馆的馆长。目前在多大, 她领导由图书馆员、助理和学生组成的团队负责东亚图书馆的全面运作,支持大学社区与加拿大亚裔社区之间积极的互动,同时与相关国内外机构合作,追求共同的目标。河那曾获韩国国立教育大学(KNUE)的教育学学士学位,以及加拿大麦吉尔大学的图书馆信息科学硕士学位。河那在加拿大亚裔历史资料、珍稀资料管理、图书馆管理、馆藏和东亚图书馆研究等领域均有著述出版。她广泛的研究兴趣包括:合作馆藏建立、加拿大亚裔历史资源、多元化、图书馆发展和数位人文。2009年, 她与不列颠哥伦比亚大学合作,创立了加拿大韩裔档案项目。 她获得过多项奖学金、研究资助和奖项,包括2018年加拿大韩裔传承奖。河那目前还担任北美东亚图书馆理事会主席一职。Hana Kim is currently the Director of the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library at the University of Toronto, Canada. Prior to that, she was the Head Librarian of the Asian Library at the University of British Columbia (2014-2016) in Vancouver, Canada. In her current position at the University of Toronto, she leads a team of librarians, technicians and student employees in all areas of library operations and ensures responsive interactions with the University community and Asian Canadian communities, as well as allied organizations, working locally and internationally to identify and implement mutual goals. She holds a Bachelor of  Education from the Korean  National University of  Education and a Master’s  in Library and Information Science from McGill University, Canada. She  has  published  on Asian Canadian heritage, rare material management, library management, collection development and East Asian studies librarianship. She is broadly interested in collaborative collection development, Asian Canadian heritage, diversity, library advancement and digital humanities. In 2009, in collaboration with the University of British Columbia, she launched a nationwide Korean Canadian Heritage Archives Project.   She is the recipients    of numerous grants, fellowships, and awards including the 2018 Korean Canadian Heritage Award.She currently serves as the President of Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) in North America.

    李唐 | Tang LI

     南加州大学东亚图书馆中国研究馆员,主管中国研究馆藏建设和管理,学科咨询和研究服务,以及策划推广中国研究馆藏的学术活动等。本科毕业于复旦大学文物与博物馆学系,研究生先后毕业于美国马里兰大学艺术史系和信息研究学院,获得中国艺术史硕士学位和图书馆学硕士学位。她的研究兴趣包括中国研究馆藏建设和管理,中国书籍史,数字人文,明清绘画艺术等,在同行评议的期刊上发表了多篇关于中国地方志和档案、数字学术、社交媒体等论文。她是北美东亚图书馆协会(CEAL)以及中国研究图书馆员学会(SCSL)的理事会成员。她曾任职于耶鲁大学东亚图书馆,其职务包括公共服务馆员,代中国研究馆员以及韩文馆藏馆员等。Tang Li is the Chinese Studies Librarian with the East Asian Library at the University of Southern California, where she oversees Chinese collection development and management, provides specialized reference and research support services, and organizes academic programs to promote the Chinese collection in the USC  Libraries. She holds an  MA in  art history and an MLS in library science from the University of Maryland, College Park,  and a BA in museum studies from Fudan University, China. Her research interests include Chinese collection development and management, Chinese book history, digital humanities, Chinese painting during the Ming and Qing periods, and others. She has published peer- reviewed journal articles on Chinese local gazetteers and archives, digital scholarship, and social media. She is a board member of the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) and the Society for Chinese Studies Librarians (SCSL) in North America. She previously worked with the East Asia Library at Yale University, where she served as the Public Services Librarian, Interim Librarian for the Chinese Collection, and Korean Collection Librarian.

     胡美华 | Esther Woo

     胡美华现为香港大学图书馆执行馆长及冯平山图书馆馆长,曾担任编目、读者服务、人力资源、财务及设施管理等工作,并历任行政部主管、流通部主管及图书馆副馆长,参与策划多个图书馆发展项目及馆藏发展。胡馆长曾就读香港大学及加拿大麦基尔大学,获文学士、图书馆及信息科学硕士、公共行政硕士及教育博士资历。其研究包括馆员培训、学习空间及学习行为、读者体验、图书馆领导等范畴。胡馆长近年致力发展跨部门协作,透过创新及数码化服务推广图书馆馆藏作教学及研究之用。Esther Woo is Director of Library Services and Fung Ping Shan Librarian of the University of Hong Kong Libraries. She had worked in cataloguing, reader services, human resources, financial and facility management before taking up supervisory roles as Head of Administrative Services, Head of Lending Services and Deputy University Librarian. Esther graduated from the University of Hong Kong (BA; MPA; EdD) and McGill University (MLIS). Her research interests include staff development, learning spaces, learning behaviors, user experience and library leadership. Through inter-departmental collaboration in recent years, Esther actively promotes the use of library collections for teaching, learning and research with innovative and digitization services.

    陈肃 | Su CHEN

     先后就读于贵州大学,华中科技大学及加拿大麦吉尔大学。曾任中国华中科技大学哲学系助教、讲师, 加拿大麦吉尔大学东亚研究馆员,美国明尼苏达大学东亚图书馆馆长。2011年起任美国加州大学洛杉矶分校东亚图书馆馆长。 2015年,该职位由匿名捐赠者捐资并命名为Su Chen Endowed Head of Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library。陈肃的研究兴趣主要集中在海外中国研究英文专著的出版与特征,及美国藏中国研究相关档案资源的发掘与介绍。近期学术出版物包括《海外中国研究现状与趋势分析: 2006-2016》(学苑出版社,2021),《北美藏中国抗日战争历史档案文献提要》(合著,复旦大学出版社,2017) , 《北美民国研究档案资源指要》(合著,哥伦比亚大学出版社,2016), 《美国明尼苏达大学图书馆藏基督教男青年会档案:中国年度报告:1896-1949及国际干事小传及会所小史》(20卷,广西师大出版社,2012),《图书馆实用词汇 : 英汉/汉英》(慕尼黑: K.G. Saur, 2006)及其他学术论文。Su Chen earned her BA and MA in Philosophy from Guizhou University and Huazhong University of Science & Technology in China and a MLIS from McGill University, Canada. Her career as a librarian started at McGill University Library in February 1999. After serving as Head of the East Asian Library at  the University of  Minnesota for ten  years, she was appointed as Head of the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library at University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) in August 2011. In 2015, her position was endowed by anonymous donors and named as Su Chen endowed Head of the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library. Her research interests primarily focus on trends of English monographs on Chinese studies; archival resources on China found in North America and history of East Asian libraries in North America. Su Chen’s recent publications including authored/co- authored/edited are Status and Trends of English Monographs on Chinese Studies: 2006- 2016 (Xueyuan publishing, 2021), Sourcebook of North American Historical and Archival Resources on China’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Fudan University Press, China, 2017), Archival Resources of Republican China in North America (Columbia University Press, USA, 2016), Archives of the Young Men’s Christian Association in China at the University of Minnesota Libraries: the Annual Report (1896-1949) with Biographical Sketch of Foreign Secretaries and City Association Building Descriptions (Guangxi Normal University Press, China, 2012), Glossary of Library and Information Sciences : English/Chinese & Chinese/English (K. G. Saur, Germany, 2005), and “The Gest Chinese Research Library at McGill 1926-1936” in East Asian Library Journal(Princeton University Library, USA, 2004).

     王成志 | Chengzhi WANG

     美国哥伦比亚大学东亚图书馆中国研究馆员、东亚研究所研究员;兼任韦棣华基金会董事会成员、北美东亚图书馆协会中文资料委员会主席。获伊利诺大学图书馆馆学院理学硕士、教育学院哲学博士。最近发表的文章有“哈佛大学藏中国贵州苗族稿本源流考”和“中美关系历史大潮和个人学术追求:以哥伦比亚大学博士朱士嘉为例”。Chengzhi Wang is the Chinese Studies Librarian, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, and Research Scholar, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University; Trustee of Mary Elizabeth Wood Foundation; Chair of Committee on Chinese Materials, Council on East Asian Libraries. He obtained his M.S. in Library and Information Science and Ph.D. in Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His recent publications are respectively on the history of a Harvard manuscript volume concerning Cowrie Shell Miao People and on Columbia alumnus historiographer Chu Shih-Chia.

     王立 | Li WANG

     现任美国布朗大学东亚图书馆馆长、高级研究馆员。曾兼任布朗大学宗教学系助理教授、艺术史与建筑系硕士生导师,哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心客座学者、北京外国语大学国外高级研究员等。早年毕业于北京大学哲学系并留校任教。后赴美留学获人文学硕士、图书馆与信息学硕士、哲学博士(宗教学)等学位。曾执教于北京大学、爱荷华大学、布朗大学,并应邀在清华大学、中国人民大学、北京外国语大学、南京大学、厦门大学、哈佛大学、康奈尔大学、密歇根大学等中美知名学府讲学。主要学术著作有《关于瓦赫与伊利亚德比较宗教学方法的研究》(英文)、《道教的超越方式--白玉蟾的内丹修炼思想与实践》(英文) 、《美国布朗大学图书馆中文古籍目录》及数十篇论文等。研究著述领域涉及比较宗教学、中国宗教哲学、道教内丹学及养生修炼、文献典籍出版史、图书馆资讯管理、中华武术文化等。近年来研究课题成果包括:中国出版软实力、北美大学东亚图书馆历史现状和前瞻(合作)、佛教、道教经典、数字人文学术、抗战文献、古籍善本整理、研究型图书馆的知识服务与战略趋向、中国武术哲学等。曾两次担任中国研究图书馆员学会学术委员会主席,积极组织开展研究交流活动。一直致力于中美文化学术交流,自2009年起,推出“中国发展印象” 系列英文演讲,深获好评。2017年8月应邀《中国图书馆报》专题采访,《访谈王立:图书馆人要成为跨文明交流的使者》。积极倡导图书馆员不仅应是文献信息的管理者和教育者,而且作为中国研究的学者,特别要成为跨文明交流的使者,努力营造良好的文化氛围,以增进国际人文交流、理解与合作。Dr. Li WANG, currently Curator of the East Asian Collection at Brown University Library, and holds a most senior professional rank of Librarian IV. Also was appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor in Dept. of  Religious Studies and Master’s Thesis Reader in  Dept. of History of Art and Architecture at Brown. Attended as Associate in Research of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University,  and Oversea Research Fellow  of Beijing Foreign Studies University, China. Graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy from Peking University, China, then taught at the Alma Mater before coming to the United States. He received an M.A. in Humanities (W. Kentucky University), an M.A. in Library and Information Science and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies (University of Iowa). In addition  to teaching at Peking University, University of Iowa, and Brown University, he gave invited lectures at a number of international prestigious universities, including Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Nanjing University, Xiamen University, Harvard University, Cornell University, and University of Michigan. Author of scholarly publications including “A Study on Wach’s and Eliade’s Approaches to Comparative Religion,” “A Daoist Way of Transcendence: Bai Yuchan’s Inner Alchemical Thought and Practice,” and An Illustrated Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Books in the Brown University Library, as well as dozens of research papers/book chapters. Research interests include comparative religion, Chinese philosophy and religions, Daoist inner alchemy and cultivation, library and information studies, history of book publishing in China, and Chinese cultural studies, especially martial arts.The research results of recent projects include: “Publishing ‘Soft Power’ of China,” textual studies on Buddhist and Daoist canons, “History, Present Status, and Prospect of East Asian Libraries in North American Universities” (co-authored), “Digital Scholarship at Brown” (awarded paper), archival studies on WWII documents, collection management of and studies on Chinese rare books, knowledge service and strategic trends of research libraries, and philosophy of Chinese martial arts. Served twice as Chair of Committee for Scholarly Activities, Society for Chinese Studies Librarians in promoting scholarly exchange events and accomplishments. Has made efforts on Sino-U.S. cultural and academic exchanges and collaborations, including a well-received series lectures on “Impressions of China's Development” since 2009. In August 2017, was interviewed by China Library Weekly, “Li Wang: ‘Librarian Should be an Envoy of Cross-Cultural Exchange,’” in which advocated, “The librarian should not only be a manager and educator of scholarly resources. We, as scholars of Chinese studies, should also become an envoy of cross-cultural exchange, creating a genial cultural ambience so as to facilitate cultural exchange, understanding and collaboration in a global context.”

     柳瀛 | Ying LIU

     加拿大维多利亚大学图书馆负责亚洲研究、语言学和宗教研究的学科馆员。 她曾获上海海事大学应用语言学硕士学位(2001)和加拿大麦吉尔大学的图书馆信息科学硕士学位(2004)。她的研究兴趣包括: 图书馆读者服务、馆藏建设、书目研究、数字人文、加拿大亚裔资料和图书馆及书籍的历史。柳瀛的近作有: 郑和的远航及中国与印度洋世界的关系: 多语种书目(伯睿出版)和 电子展览“加拿大华人移民历史掠影:新民国报与世界日报温哥华版” https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/chinese- newspapers。Ying  Liu is  the subject librarian for Asian Studies, Linguistics and  Religious Studies  at University of Victoria. She has an M.A. degree in Applied Linguistics (2001) from Shanghai Maritime University and an MLIS degree (2004) from McGill. Her research interests include: library user services, collection development, bibliography studies, digital humanities, Asian Canadian resources and history of libraries and books. Her publications include: Zheng He's Maritime Voyages (1405-1433) and China's Relations with the Indian Ocean world: A Multilingual Bibliography (Brill) and the digital exhibition “Glimpses into Chinese Immigration History in Canada: The New Republic and the World Journal Vancouver newspapers” https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/chinese-newspapers

     刘静 | Jing LIU

     不列颠哥伦比亚大学亚洲图书馆中文部主任。毕业于武汉大学、美国华盛顿大学和不列颠哥伦比亚大学。曾在北京的中国社会科学院、纽约曼哈顿的市立图书馆、芝加哥的商业图书馆、西雅图和加拿大西海岸的多种不同类型图书馆任职。自2001年起为中国社会科学院、武汉大学、中国农科院、河北师范大学、云南省图书馆以及中国图书馆学会等机构进行培训,并于2012年客座日本筑波大学。她曾获得美国、中国和加拿大的多项课题研究基金、参与和领导国际合作項目,并有可观的学术出版。她的研究领域包括加拿大传教士、华侨、图书馆特藏发展、公共关系、用户服务的转型以及国际合作与资源共享等。Jing Liu is the Chinese studies librarian at University of British Columbia (UBC). She studied at Wuhan University, University of Washington and UBC. Jing worked for academic, public, and special libraries in Beijing, New York, Chicago and Seattle. Since 2001, she has received many external travel and research grants for training professional librarians and international research projects. She has numerous publications on various subjects including Canadian missionaries in China, overseas Chinese, Library PR, rare books and special collections, international collaboration and resource sharing.

    何剑叶 | Jianye HE

     美国伯克利加州大学东亚图书馆中文馆员。南京大学中国古代文学硕士、纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校图书馆与情报学硕士。长期从事馆藏资料建设,参考咨询和图书馆教学服务。主要研究兴趣包括中国古代文学、东亚汉籍、北美汉学、图书馆学等,发表相关论文多篇,译著一部。2021年获得美国图书馆学会(ALA)“我爱图书馆员”奖。Jianye He is the Librarian for Chinese Collections at the East Asian Library, UC Berkeley. She has an MA in Classical Chinese Literature and a MSIS degree. She has been working on collection development, reference and library instruction services for many years. Her research interests include classic Chinese literature, ancient Chinese texts in East Asia, Sinology in North America, library science, etc. She has published articles on the topics and a translated book. She is one of the winners of 2021 ALA’s “I Love My Librarian” award.



    Brief Introduction to the Moderators


    何文平 | Wenping HE

    中山大学历史学系教授,博士生导师,现任中山大学图书馆馆长。主要从事中国近现代社会经济史、中国近代军事史、区域社会史、口述历史等的教学与研究;代表作主要有《变乱中的地方权势:清末民初广东的盗匪问题与社会秩序》、《孙中山史事编年》(第4卷)等。Dr. Wenping He is Professor and Advisor of Ph.D students at the History Department, Sun Yat-sen University. Currently he is the University Librarian of the Sun Yat-sen University Library. His main research and teaching areas include social, economic, and military history of modern China, regional social history, and orah history. His representative research works include Local Power in Disturbance: Banditry and Social Order in Guangdong in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China; Chronicle of Sun Yat-sen's Historical Events (Volume 4).

    童云海 | Yunhai TONG

     北京大学信息科学技术学院教授,博士生导师。现任北京大学图书馆副馆长,移动数字医院系统教育部工程研究中心副主任,中国通信协会智慧医疗专家委员会委员。目前主要从事大数据分析建模和数据隐私保护的研究和教学工作。近年来独立主持和参与国家自然科学金、国家科技支撑计划等国家级项目5项,省部级项目6项。曾获省部级科技特等奖、一等奖各一项。近年来发表相关的研究论文80余篇。Dr. Yunhai Tong is Professor and Advisor of Ph.D students in the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Peking University. He is currently the Deputy Director of the Peking University Library, the deputy director of the Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center for Mobile Digital Hospital System, and he serves on the Committee of Experts for Smart Medical Treatment, China Institute of Communications.  His main research and teaching interests include big data analysis and modeling, and data privacy protection. In recent years, he has independently hosted and participated in 5 national-level projects and 6 provincial-level projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Science and Technology Support Program, etc. He has won special award and first prize in the provincial and ministerial level science and technology awards.  In recent years he has published more than 80 research papers.

     王蕾 | Lei WANG

     博士,中山大学图书馆副馆长、研究馆员。图书馆学、历史学硕士生研究生导师。兼任中国图书馆学会学术研究委员会图书馆史研究专业委员会副主任、广东图书馆学会常务理事等。主管文献资源数字化建设、信息技术、学术研究、对外交流等。主持和参与科研项目30余项,出版学术专著4部,主编9部,参编著作11部,发表学术论文50 余篇。主要研究领域:图书馆管理、图书史与图书馆史、特藏资源建设与管理、民间历史文献保护与数字人文研究、图书馆数字化等。Dr. Lei WANG is Deputy Director and Research Librarian of Sun Yat-sen University Library. She advises the graduate students in Library Science and  History.  She serves  as the deputy director of the Library History Research Committee, Academic Research Committee, Library Society of China. She is also the executive director of Guangdong Library Society. She is in charge of digital resource development, information technology, academic research, foreign exchange, etc. She has served as principle investigator for more than 30 scientific research projects, and published 4 academic monographs and 50 academic papers. She was the chief editors for 9 books, and co-editor for 11 books. Her main research fields include library management, history of the book and the library, special collection development and management, preservation of folk historical literature and Digital Humanities, library digitization, etc.

     党跃武 | Yuewu DANG

    1991年至今在四川大学任教,主要研究方向为信息资源开发和大学文化建设,现任四川大学图书馆馆长、四川大学公共管理学院教授,兼任教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会副主任委员、四川省普通高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会主任委员、四川省图书馆学会副理事长、四川省文献影像技术协会理事长等职, 曾任四川大学信息管理系团总支书记、四川大学信息管理系副系主任、四川大学信息与档案管理系副系主任、四川大学教务处副处长兼四川大学国家大学生文化素质教育基地办公室主任、四川大学档案馆馆长兼校史办公室主任、中国高等教育学会档案工作分会副理事长、中国高等教育学会校史研究分会副理事长、四川省高等学校档案工作协会理事长、教育部高等学校图书馆学专业教学指导委员会委员、四川省高等学校图书情报工作委员会副主任兼秘书长等职,先后获得上海市优秀大学毕业生、四川省高校优秀共产党员、成都市优秀团干部、四川省档案工作先进个人、四川省档案法制宣传教育先进个人、四川大学优秀共产党员、四川大学优秀教师、四川大学优秀教育工作者、四川省社科成果二等奖、四川省社科成果三等奖、四川省教学成果一等奖等奖励。共出版专著、教材和论文集40余部,公开发表论文200余篇。主编《信息管理导论》被确定为教育部“面向二十一世纪课程教材”、普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材、高等教育百部精品课程教材、四川省“十二五”普通高等教育本科规划教材,自2000年第一版出版以来年均发行量近万册。主编《四川大学校史读本》每年面向四川大学新生(本科生、硕士生和博士生)发放,年发行量近2万册。Mr.  Dang is the Director of  Sichuan University Library (SCU). He joined the faculty of Sichuan University in 1991. His major research fields include information resources development and university culture development. He is a professor of public administration at Sichuan University, Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee for Academic Library and Information Service of the Ministry of Education, Chairman of  the Steering Committee  for Academic Library and Information Service of Sichuan Province , Vice President of  the Library Society of Sichuan Province , President of  Sichuan Provincial Association  of Textual and Visual Information Technology , etc. He also served as Secretary-General    of Chinese Communist Youth League, Branch of SCU Department of Information Management: Deputy Director of SCU Department of Information Management: Deputy Director of SCU Department of  Information and Archives Management: Deputy Director   of SCU Academic Affairs Office and Head of SCU  Office of  National Educational Base for University Students’ Cultural Literacy Cultivation; Director of SCU Archives and Head of University History Division; Vice President of Archives Division of Chinese Society of Higher Education; Vice President of  Division of  University History Studies of Chinese Society of Higher Education; President  of Association  of  University Archives of Sichuan Province; member of the Steering Committee for Academic Library and Information Service of the Ministry of Education; Vice Chairman and Secretary- General of the Committee of University Library and Information Services of Sichuan Province, etc. He  received numerous awards, such as  Municipal Outstanding Graduate  of Shanghai ; Provincial Excellent Communist Party Member of Universities in Sichuan; Municipal Excellent Communist Youth League Leader of Chengdu; Provincial Individual Excellence for Archives of Sichuan; Provincial Individual Excellence for Public Legal Education and Information Service on Archives of Sichuan; Excellent Communist Party Member of Sichuan University; Outstanding Faculty of Sichuan University; Outstanding Educator of Sichuan University; Second and Third Prize of Sichuan Provincial Social Science Achievements; First Prize of Sichuan Provincial Teaching Achievements, etc. His academic achievements include more than 200 articles and 40 books published as monographs, textbooks and theses. With an average annual circulation of nearly 20,000, Introduction to Information Management, chief-edited by him and first published in 2000, has been respectively approved by Ministry of  Education   as “Curriculum Materials Catering for the 21st Century”, 11th Five-Year-National Project of Teaching Materials for General Higher Education, 100 Quality Curriculum Materials for Higher Education, 12th Five-Year-Provincial Project of Teaching Materials for General Higher Education.

     别立谦 | Liqian BIE

    北京大学图书馆副馆长,研究馆员。图书馆学硕士。分管信息资源保障与服务、古籍、特藏以及分馆建设等业务工作。兼任中国图书馆学会学术研究委员会资源建设与共享专业委员会委员、北京高等教育学会图书馆工作研究会副理事长、高校图书馆数字资源采购联盟(DRAA)理事。Liqian Bie is the Deputy Director and Research Librarian of  Peking University Library. She has a master’s degree in library science. Currently she is responsible for resources development and services on books, journals, ancient books, special collections & electronic databases, and branch library development. She is a member of Academic Research Committee on the Resource Development and Sharing, Library Society of China; vice chairman of Library Service Committee, Beijing Association of Higher Education; council member of the Digital Resources Acquisition Alliance (DRAA) of Chinese Academic Libraries.

     王维 | Wei WANG

    美国弗吉尼亚大学图书馆东亚研究馆员。复旦大学新闻系学士, 美国衣阿华大学图书馆信息科学硕士。负责东亚研究教学资源和研究咨询, 联络东亚中心和东亚语言文学文化系。Wei Wang is the research librarian for East Asian Studies at University of Virginia (UVA) Library. She earned her BA from Fudan University and MA in Library & Information Science from University of Iowa. She is responsible for supporting teaching, learning and research in East Asian Studies, and liaison to East Asian Center at UVA and the Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures & Cultures.

     司徒萍 | Ping SITU

    美国亚利桑那大学 (The University of Arizona)图书馆东亚研究联络馆员。美国亚利桑那大学西班牙语言学硕士和亚利桑那大学图书馆信息科学硕士。现负责人文学院东亚系(中日韩)的选书,教学,研究及图书馆资源咨询工作。Ping Situ is an Associate Librarian at the University of Arizona Libraries (UAL). Currently she is the liaison librarian to a number of departments of the College of Humanities including East Asian Studies (China, Japan and Korea), Africana Studies, French and Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, CESL (Center for English as a Second Language), SLAT (Second Language Acquisition and Teaching) and CLP (Critical Languages Program). Ping has earned an MA degree in Hispanic Linguistics as well as an MLS degree in Library and Information Sciences at the University of Arizona. She joined UAL in 2001. Her main job responsibilities include but are not limited to collection development/management, in-depth reference consultation and library instruction. Ping works closely with faculty, students and researchers of the university as well as from international countries.

     杨玉蓉 | Yurong Atwill

    博士,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学图书馆亚洲研究馆员。曾就读于云南大学和夏威夷大学,获文学士、图书馆信息学硕士及中国史博士学位。主要从事中国云南民族史及中美大学图书馆研究。发表有关图书馆研究论文多篇,并著有《本色云南与外来印象》、合著《中国史料: 1644年至今的多元视角》等书。Dr. Atwill is the Asian Studies Librarian at the Pennsylvania State University Libraries. She has a BA in English, a PhD in history from Yunnan University, and an MLIS from University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her research interests include ethnic history in Yunnan, and collection development and user services. She published numerous articles on librarianship, and books on Chinese history, such as Yunnan Knowledge and Outsiders’ Impressions: Culture, Transportation, and Botanical Resources; and Sources in Chinese History: Diverse Perspectives from 1644 to the Present.


  • 中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library,CASHL)

    中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library, CASHL)是在中华人民共和国教育部的领导下,以“共建·共知·共享”为原则,以“整体建设,分布服务”为方针,为高校人文社会科学的教学和科研提供文献资源的保障体系。中国高校人文社会科学文献中心的具体职责是组织具有学科优势、文献资源优势、和服务条件优势的若干高校图书馆,有计划地,有系统地引进和收藏国外人文社会科学文献资源,借助现代化网络,采用集中式门户(http://www.cashl.edu.cn/)和分布式服务相结合的方式,为中国高校、研究机构和学者提供综合性的文献信息服务。中国高校人文社会科学文献中心的资源服务体系由2个全国中心(北京大学,复旦大学),7个区域中心(武汉大学,吉林大学,中山大学,南京大学,四川大学,兰州大学,北京师范大学),和8个学科中心(东北师范大学,华东师范大学,南开大学,山东大学,清华大学,厦门大学,浙江大学,中国人民大学)和884家成员馆构成。The China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library (CASHL) is a guarantee system to provide resources supporting university curriculum and research on  social sciences and  humanities. Under  the leadership of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, CASHL adheres to the guideline of “Comprehensive Construction, Distribution Services” and the principles of “resource co-collecting, knowledge access and equal sharing”. CASHL’s mission is to select a number of top university libraries that have discipline specialization and service capabilities to collect imported resources on social sciences and humanities in a planned and systematic manner. With the assistance of modern network, a centralized portal (http://www.cashl.edu.cn/) which combines distributed collections and services is designed and established to provide information service to the universities and research institutes in China. CASHL System consists of 17 core libraries, as 2 national centers (Peking University      and Fudan University), and 7 regional centers (Wuhan University, Jilin University, Sun Yat-sen University, Nanjing University, and Sichuan University, Beijing Normal University, Lanzhou University), and 8 disciplinary centers (Northeast Normal University, East China Normal University, Nankai University, Shandong University, Tsinghua University, Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, and Renmin University and 884 member libraries).

    北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society of Chinese Studies Librarians,SCSL)

    北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society for Chinese Studies Librarians, SCSL)是一个在美国注册,非赢利,非政治的学术组织。北美中国研究图书馆员学会的宗旨是在北美为从事中国研究的图书馆员提供一个开展学术活动,交流专业经验,共享信息资源,加强合作的平台。2010年3月,学会成立于费城,成员来自北美50余所高校研究型图书馆,多为东亚图书馆馆长,中文部主任,资深研究馆员,以及兴趣于中国文献资源的学者。由于学会成员都毕业于中国最优秀的大学,在北美取得硕博士学位,长期从事文献资源的研究,教学,和图书馆专业工作,日濡月染于中西文化,兼具中西学术底蕴和语言专长,因此在促进中外文化交流,特别是在图书馆的领域,发挥了特殊的桥梁作用。学会的学术刊物是《天禄论丛》。Registered in United States, The Society for Chinese Studies Librarians (the SCSL thereafter) is a non-profit, non-political academic organization aimed at promoting scholarly activities, professional exchange, information sharing, and project collaboration among Chinese Studies Librarians, so as to better contribute to Chinese Studies in general and to research with Chinese resources in particular. The SCSL members are Chinese Studies Librarians who join the organization of their own free will. The SCSL also accepts applicants who are not Chinese Studies Librarian, yet possess a strong interest in conducting research on resources related to Chinese Studies.

    中山大学图书馆 Sun Yat-sen University Library

    中山大学图书馆创办于1924年,是中山大学的知识中心、学习中心和文化中心。现由广州校区南校园图书馆、北校园图书馆、东校园图书馆、经济与管理学科馆、珠海校区图书馆和深圳校区图书馆组成。馆舍总建筑面积达18万余平方米,截止2020年底,纸质馆藏总量达953万余册(件)。图书馆配合中山大学“扎根中国大地,加快进入国内高校第一方阵步伐,努力迈进世界一流大学前列”的奋斗目标,秉承公平、开放、共享的理念和优良传统,以“智慧与服务”为馆训,着力完善文献信息资源保障体系;拓展、完善图书馆信息服务功能,提供多层次、高水平的信息资源服务。经过数十年的建设与发展,中山大学图书馆已建立起文、理、医、工、农、艺学科门类齐全、内容丰富、结构合理、层次分明的文献信息资源保障体系。Sun Yat-sen University Library, established  in 1924, is the  knowledge center, study  center  and  cultural center  of  Sun Yat-sen University. It is now composed of  6 libraries, i.e., South Campus Library, North Campus Library,  East Campus Library, Economics and Management Library, Zhuhai Campus Library and Shenzhen Campus Library, covering a total construction area of more than 180,000 square meters. By the end of 2020, the total paper collection  has reached to more than 9.53 million items. In line with Sun Yat-sen University’s goal of “taking root in China,  racing into the first array of domestic universities, and striving to rank among the world’s first-class universities”, adhering to the concept and tradition of fairness, openness and sharing and abiding by the motto of “wisdom and service”, the Library works consistently to improve its literature and information resource guarantee system, to expand and perfect its information services, and to provide information resource services on a multiple and high level. After decades of construction and development, the Library has established a literature and information resource guarantee system complete in categories, rich in contents, reasonable in structure and distinct in gradations, covering subjects of humanities, sciences, medicine, engineering, agriculture and arts.
