2023年7月27-28日,由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library, CASHL)和北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society for China Studies Librarians,SCSL)联合主办、北京大学图书馆承办的“第七届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛”在线召开。来自中国、北美、欧洲等230位图书馆专家、馆员报名参加会议,围绕开放学术、开放获取、开放教育与学术资源、开放数据以及元数据共享等议题展开交流与研讨。
中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛(Sino-American Academic Library Forum on Development and Cooperation)是由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and humanities Library)(CASHL)和北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society for Chinese Studies Librarians)(SCSL)以及会议承办方所在高校图书馆联合主办的图书资讯研究论坛。自2011年开始,在特色资源、区域国别研究、文献建设、用户服务创新、图书馆与社会发展、后疫情时代高校图书馆文献与服务新方向等专业领域进行了深入交流和探讨,并逐步成为高校图书馆的精品学术论坛。
开放学术带来的开发获取、开放教育、开放数据等逐步构建出新的学术生态,为信息、知识、数据等资源的传播开通新的渠道,为高校图书馆的发展带来新的契机。由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)与美国中国图书馆员学会(SCSL) 联合举办的“中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛(Sino-American Academic Library Forum on Development and Cooperation)”自2011年开始,在特色资源、区域国别研究文献建设、用户服务创新等专业领域进行了深入交流和探讨,并逐步成为高校图书馆的精品学术论坛。
1. 报名网址:http://2023zmlt.conference.calis.edu.cn。
2. 开放时间:4月11日9:00至5月15日24:00。
开放学术带来的开发获取、开放教育、开放数据等逐步构建出新的学术生态,为信息、知识、数据等资源的传播开通新的渠道,为高校图书馆的发展带来新的契机。由中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)与美国中国图书馆员学会(SCSL) 联合举办的“中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛(Sino-American Academic Library Forum on Development and Cooperation)”自2011年开始,在特色资源、区域国别研究文献建设、用户服务创新等专业领域进行了深入交流和探讨,并逐步成为高校图书馆的精品学术论坛。
l 分主题1:开放获取。议题包括但不限于:开放科学发展态势;高校图书馆、出版商的开放获取创新实践;开放获取资源建设(期刊、图书等)、开放获取政策、开放出版、开放同行评议、开放获取平台建设、转换协议等议题下的研究与实践以及跨国、跨校合作经验、可能性等。
l 分主题2:开放的教育与学术资源。议题包括但不限于:开放教育的发展态势;公众科学、远程教育、开放大学、教育学术资源保障与服务策略等议题下的研究与实践以及跨国、跨校合作经验、可能性等。
l 分主题3:开放的数据以及元数据共享。包括但不限于:开放数据的发展态势;开放数据政策、数据出版、元数据共享标准、数据重用、开放数据仓储等议题的研究与实践以及跨国、跨校合作经验、可能性等。
l 分主题4:自由对话。议题包括但不限于:交流和传递双方关注、并希望了解的具体事情;中美双方就对方关心的实际问题互作介绍与解答,如:如何推动开放学术合作,如何加强资源共享,如何利用开放获取资源等。
2,摘要提交时间:2023年5月1日前。内容包括:题目,作者姓名、职位、所属机构、联系方式(含手机号、电子邮箱)。提交文档格式: Word。摘要发送会议组委会 (中方:刘娟娟 liujj@lib.pku.edu.cn;美方: 邹秀英 xiuying.zou@claremont.edu)。
论文内容包括:(1)标题;(2)作者姓名、职位、所属机构、联系信息;(3)中文 500 字以内或英文 800 个单词以内的摘要;(4)3-7 个关键词;(5)正文,3000-6000字为宜;(6)使用 Word 文档。
序号 | 论文名称 | 作者 | 单位 |
1 | 全球开放获取转换实践及其对我国高校图书馆的启示 | 陈娟/林月华 | 厦门大学图书馆 |
2 | 论高校发展非营利性开放获取策略分析——从哈佛大学实践路径谈起 | 林如诗/韩子静/叶杭庆 | 浙江大学图书馆 |
3 | 面向开放获取的人文社会科学学术资源数字服务平台建设研究 | 王蕾/彭秋平/韩宇 | 中山大学图书馆 |
4 | 从订阅模式向开放获取模式转换:高校图书馆面临的困境及其对策建议——以北京大学图书馆为例 | 别立谦/徐茹雪/艾春艳 | 北京大学图书馆 |
5 | 学术期刊开放获取转换协议的全球签署现状及发展动态——基于ESAC平台开放数据的分析 | 向佳丽 | 厦门大学图书馆 |
6 | 开放数据整合规范体系研究 | 沈艺 | 南京师范大学图书馆 |
7 | 数据共享视角下敦煌文献数字资源建设及展望 | 顾淑彦 | 兰州大学图书馆 |
8 | 高校图书馆OER建设中的发展现状及发展路径 | 韩爽/王巢琛 | 吉林大学图书馆 |
9 | 面向数据重用的科学数据元数据描述规范研究 | 付齐仙/施栩婕/李晨英 | 西北农林科技大学图书馆/上海第二工业大学图书馆/中国农业大学图书馆 |
10 | 高校图书馆应用网络教学平台开展创新服务的探索及实践-以东北师范大学图书馆应用Blackboard平台为例 | 张静鹏 | 东北师范大学图书馆 |
11 | 开放获取环境下地方志事业发展的新趋向 | 徐姗姗 | 云南大学图书馆 |
12 | 英国高校科学数据管理政策框架研究 | 颜沁莹/何秀 | 浙江大学图书馆 |
13 | 试析期刊开放获取转换对订阅的影响 | 陈蕾 | 浙江大学图书馆 |
14 | 共建共享,发扬踔厉——对话哈佛燕京图书馆馆长杨继东博士 | 孔凡晶/钱礼翔 | 东北师范大学图书馆/北京大学信息管理系 |
会议第一天 第一时段 | ||
主持人/Moderators | ||
日期/时间 | 内容 | 主讲人 |
北京7月27日09:00-09:20 | 中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)主任致辞 | 陈建龙(Jianlong Chen) |
北美中国研究图书馆员学会(SCSL)主席致辞 | 杨玉蓉 (Yurong Atwill) | |
北京7月27日09:20-09:25 | 会议合影 / VIRTUAL PHOTO | |
北京7月27日09:25-09:55 | 中国式现代化新征程上大学图书馆现代化高质量发展 | 陈建龙(Jianlong Chen) |
北京7月27日09:55-10:25 | 变化中的信息生态系统:开放学术与中美高校图书馆合作及展望 | 周欣平 (Peter Zhou) |
北京7月27日10:25-10:30 | 会间休息 / REST | |
主持人/Moderators | ||
北京7月27日10:30-10:50 | 突破界限:高校图书馆在开放存取学术成果上的创新 | 金河那(Hana Kim) |
北京7月27日10:50-11:10 | 面向Open Everything的高校图书馆发展策略与实践:以复旦大学为例 | 王乐(Le Wang) |
北京7月27日11:10-11:30 | 讨论交流 / DISCUSSION & EXCHANGE | |
会议第一天 第二时段 | ||
主持人/Moderators | ||
日期/时间 | 内容 | 主讲人 |
北京7月27日21:00-21:15 | 面向开放获取的人文社会科学学术资源数字服务平台建设研究 | 王蕾(Lei Wang) |
北京7月27日21:15-21:30 | 合作与未来:站在开放存取的交叉点上 | 章柳怡 (Cecilia Zhang) |
北京7月27日21:30-21:45 | 全球开放获取转换实践及其对我国高校图书馆的启示 | 陈娟(Juan Chen) |
北京7月27日21:45-22:00 | 从中文古籍作者群体分析看贾德纳藏书的文献特点和学术价值 | 王立(Li Wang) |
北京7月27日22:00-22:05 | 会间休息 / REST | |
主持人/Moderators | ||
北京7月27日22:05-22:20 | 高校开放获取发展路径及策略分析——从哈佛大学实践谈起 | 林如诗(Rushi Lin) |
北京7月27日22:20-22:35 | 学术图书馆中的开放教育资源服务:VIVA会员案例研究 | 付蓉 (Veronica Fu) |
北京7月27日22:35-22:50 | 面向数据重用的科学数据元数据描述规范研究 | 付齐仙(Qixian Fu) |
北京7月27日22:50-23:05 | 加州大学伯克利分校“中国清末民初教科书特藏” 后的华人英雄 | 王成志(Chengzhi Wang) |
北京7月27日23:05-23:20 | 英国高校科学数据管理政策框架研究 | 颜沁莹(Qinying Yan) |
北京7月27日23:20-23:30 | 讨论交流 / DISCUSSION & EXCHANGE | |
会议第二天 | ||
主持人/Moderators | ||
日期/时间 | 内容 | 主讲人 |
北京7月28日08:30-08:45 | 学术图书馆与生成式AI革命:开放获取研究的未来 | 卢世豪 (Leo S. Lo) |
北京7月28日08:45-09:00 | 从订阅模式向开放获取模式转换:高校图书馆面临的现状及其对策建议——以北京大学图书馆为例 | 徐茹雪(Ruxue Xu) |
北京7月28日09:00-09:15 | 利用开放存取和开放科学实现可持续学术发展交流 | 杨涛 (Tina Yang) |
北京7月28日09:15-09:30 | 开放数据新常态下增强科学数据服务体系的探讨 | 吴亚平(Yaping Wu) |
北京7月28日09:30-09:35 | 会间休息 / REST | |
主持人/Moderators | ||
北京7月28日09:35-09:50 | 高校图书馆OER建设中的发展现状及发展路径 | 韩爽(Shuang Han) |
北京7月28日09:50-10:05 | 后疫情时代图书馆独特藏书的地区性共享与共建:基于数据分析的再思考 | 何剑叶 (Jianye He) |
北京7月28日10:05-10:20 | 数据共享视角下敦煌文献数字资源建设及展望 | 顾淑彦(Shuyan Gu) |
北京7月28日10:20-10:35 | 克莱蒙特与燕京大学的渊源:特藏资源之所见及开放学术合作机会 | 邹秀英 (Xiuying Zou) |
北京7月28日10:35-10:50 | 讨论 / DISCUSSION | |
主持人/Moderators | ||
北京7月28日10:50-11:20 | 自由交谈 FREE TALK | |
主持人/Moderators | ||
北京7月28日11:20-11:25 | 征文颁奖 / AWARD | 童云海(Yunhai Tong) |
北京7月28日11:25-11:30 | 总结发言 / CONCLUSION | 姚晓霞(Xiaoxia Yao) |
杨玉蓉(Yurong Atwill) |
序号 | 内容 Presentations | 主讲人 Presenters | 备注 |
1 | 突破界限:高校图书馆在开放存取学术成果上的创新 Pushing the Boundaries: Innovative Approaches to Open Access Scholarship in Academic Libraries | 金河那(Hana Kim) 加拿大多伦多大学郑裕彤东亚图书馆馆长 (Director, Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library,University of Toronto) | |
2 | 面向Open Everything的高校图书馆发展策略与实践:以复旦大学为例 The Development Strategy and Practice of Academic Library towards Open Everything:Taking Fudan University Library as an Example | 王乐(Le Wang) 复旦大学图书馆副馆长 (Deputy Director, Fudan University Library) | |
3 | 面向开放获取的人文社会科学学术资源数字服务平台建设研究 A Study on the Construction of Digital Service Platform for Academic Resources to Humanities & Social Sciences | 王蕾(Lei Wang) 中山大学图书馆副馆长 (Deputy Director, Sun Yat-sen University Library) | |
4 | 合作与未来:站在开放存取的交叉点上 Standing at a crossroads: Collaboration is the Future of Open Access | 章柳怡 (Cecilia Zhang) 堪萨斯大学东亚图书馆中国研究图书馆员(Chinese Studies Librarian, University of Kansas) | |
5 | 全球开放获取转换实践及其对我国高校图书馆的启示 Global Open Access Transformation Practices and Implications for University Libraries in China | 陈娟(Juan Chen) 厦门大学图书馆副馆长 (Deputy Director, Xiamen University Library) | |
6 | 从中文古籍作者群体分析看贾德纳藏书的文献特点和学术价值 Literature Characteristics and Scholarly Value of the Gardner Collection from the Analysis of the Author Group of Classical Chinese Books | 王立(Li Wang) 布朗大学东亚图书馆馆长 (Curator of EastAsian Collection, Brown University) | |
7 | 高校开放获取发展路径及策略分析——从哈佛大学实践谈起 An Analysis of the Development Path and Strategy of Open Access in Universities: Starting from the Practice of Harvard University | 林如诗(Rushi Lin) 浙江大学图书馆馆员 (Librarian, Zhejiang University Library) | 无授权 |
8 | 学术图书馆中的开放教育资源服务:VIVA会员案例研究 OER Service Provision in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of VIVA Members | 付蓉 (Veronica Fu) 弗吉尼亚大学图书馆东亚资源管理图书馆员 (East Asian Collections Librarian, University of Virginia Library) | |
9 | 面向数据重用的科学数据元数据描述规范研究 Research on Metadata Description Specification of Scientific Data for Data Reuse | 付齐仙(Qixian Fu) 西北农林科技大学图书馆助理馆员 (Assistant Librarian, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University Library) | |
10 | 加州大学伯克利分校“中国清末民初教科书特藏”后的华人英雄 Identifying the Unsung Hero behind the “Collection of Chinese Textbooks” of UC, Berkeley | 王成志(Chengzhi Wang) 美国哥伦比亚大学东亚图书馆中国研究馆员 (Chinese Studies Librarian, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University) | |
11 | 英国高校科学数据管理政策框架研究 The Framework Analysis of Universities' Research Data Management Policy in the UK | 颜沁莹(Qinying Yan) 浙江大学图书馆馆员 (Librarian, Zhejiang University Library) | 无授权 |
12 | 学术图书馆与生成式AI革命:开放获取研究的未来 Academic Libraries and the Generative AI Revolution: Navigating the Future of Open Access Research | 卢世豪 (Leo S. Lo) 新墨西哥大学图书馆与学习科学学院院长,教授 (Dean and Professor, College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences, University of New Mexico) | |
13 | 从订阅模式向开放获取模式转换:高校图书馆面临的现状及其对策建议——以北京大学图书馆为例 The Current Situation and Countermeasures for University Libraries to Promote the Transformation of Academic Journals from Subscription Mode to Open Access Mode: Case Study of Peking University Library | 徐茹雪(Ruxue Xu) 北京大学图书馆馆员 (Librarian, Peking University Library) | |
14 | 利用开放存取和开放科学实现可持续学术发展交流 Leveraging Open Access and Open Science for a Sustainable Future | 杨涛 (Tina Yang) 香港大学图书馆学习与研究支援服务助理馆长 (Associate Librarian, Learning and Research Services, University of Hong Kong Libraries) 肖思哲(Jesse Xiao) 香港大学图书馆学术传播及研究支援服务主管,医学图书馆馆长 (Head of Scholarly Communication and Research Services & Medical Librarian, University of Hong Kong Libraries) | |
15 | 开放数据新常态下增强科学数据服务体系的探 讨 Discussion on Enhancing Scientific Data Service System under the New Normal of Open Data | 吴亚平(Yaping Wu) CASHL管理中心、北京大学图书馆项目管理中心副主任 (CASHL Management Center,Deputy Director of the Project Management Center, Peking University Library) | |
16 | 高校图书馆OER建设中的发展现状及发展路径 The Development Status and Development Path of OER Construction of University Libraries | 韩爽(Shuang Han) 吉林大学图书馆副研究馆员 (Associate Research Librarian,Jilin University Library) | |
17 | 后疫情时代图书馆独特藏书的地区性共享与共建:基于数据分析的再思考 Regional Sharing and Collaborative Development of Unique Collection in Post-pandemic Era: Data-based Reflections | 何剑叶 (Jianye He) 美国加州大学伯克利分校东亚图书馆中文馆员 (Librarian for Chinese Collections, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, UC Berkeley) | |
18 | 数据共享视角下敦煌文献数字资源建设及展望 Construction and Prospect of Dunhuang Literature Digital Resources from the Perspective of Data Sharing | 顾淑彦(Shuyan Gu) 兰州大学图书馆副研究馆员 (Associate Research Librarian,Lanzhou University Library) | 无授权 |
19 | 克莱蒙特与燕京大学的渊源:特藏资源之所见及开放学术合作机会 Connections between Claremont and Yenching University: Revealed in Special Collection Materials and Collaborative Opportunities for Open Scholarship | 邹秀英 (Xiuying Zou) 美国克莱蒙特大学联盟亚洲图书馆馆长 (Head of Asian Library, The Claremont Colleges Library) |
会议名称 | 举办时间 | 举办地点 |
第六届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛 | 2021年 | 线上 |
第五届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛 | 2019年 | 呼和浩特 |
第四届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛 | 2017年 | 加拿大多伦多 |
第三届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛 | 2015年 | 成都 |
第二届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛 | 2013年 | 兰州 |
第一届中美高校图书馆合作发展论坛 | 2011年 | 厦门 |
Brief Introduction to Presenters
陈建龙 | Jianlong Chen
Jianlong Chen is the Director of Peking University Library, Director of China Academic Humanities and Social Sciences Library (CASHL), Deputy Director of China Academic Library and Information System (CALIS), and Director of Committee for Academic Libraries of the Ministry of Education, Deputy Chair of Library Society of China, Director of Sub-society for Academic Library, Library Society of China. He is a Professor and acts as doctoral supervisor of department of information management in Peking University. His main research interests include information service studies, information resource management, informatization ecology, etc. His representative works include the books and articles such as "Introduction to Information Service studies", "Information Market Operation and Information Users", "A Study of Information Service Mode", "The Subdivision and Integration Strategy of Information Service Innovation in University Libraries", etc.
杨玉蓉 | Yurong Atwill, PhD
博士, 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学图书馆亚洲研究馆员。云南大学历史博士,夏威夷大学图书馆信息学硕士,云南大学文学士。主要从事中国云南民族史及中美大学图书馆研究。发表有关图书馆研究论文多篇, 并著有《本色云南与外来印象》、《中国史料: 1644年至今的多元视角》等书。
The Asian Studies Librarian at the Pennsylvania State University Libraries. She has a PhD in history and a BA in English from Yunnan University, and a MLIS from University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her research interests include ethnic history in Yunnan, library’s collection development and user services. She published numerous articles on librarianship, and books on Chinese history, such as Yunnan Knowledge and Outsiders’ Impressions: Culture, Transportation, and Botanical Resources, and Sources in Chinese History: Diverse Perspectives from 1644 to the Present.
周欣平 | Peter Zhou
武汉大学英国语言文学硕士、美国伊利诺伊大学语言学博士、图书馆学和情报学硕士。现任加州大学伯克利分校图书馆助理总馆长兼东亚图书馆馆长。曾任爱荷华大学中国研究馆员、亚洲语言文学系兼任助理教授、匹兹堡大学东亚图书馆馆长、东亚研究兼任副教授。曾任武汉大学、华中师范大学和上海交通大学客座教授。曾任北美东亚图书馆协会主席,并获得该协会“卓越服务奖”。著有《文明的交汇》(商务印书馆,2023)一书。主编《东学西渐: 北美东亚图书馆 1868-2008》(高等教育出版社,2012)、《清末时新小说集》(上海古籍出版社, 2011)、《柏克莱加州大学东亚图书馆藏宋元珍本丛刊》(中华书局,2014)、《柏克莱加州大学东亚图书馆稿抄校本丛刊》(上海古籍出版社,2013)等多部学术出版物。其发表的大量论文涉及文献学、语言学、西方汉学和图书馆学等多个领域,分别刊在《中国语文》、《学术研究前沿》、《清华大学学报》、《文史知识》、《形象史学研究》、《大学图书馆学报》、《数据与信息管理等中英文学术期刊上。从2017年开始主持赵元任档案的整理工作,已经出版《赵元任日记》(商务印书馆, 2023),其它专辑也将陆续出版。
Peter Zhou holds a master's degree in English Language and Literature from Wuhan University, A Ph.D in Linguistics and master’s degree both from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Currently he is the Assistant University Librarian and Director of C.V. Starr East Asian Library in University of California, Berkeley. Prior to this, he also served as the Chinese Studies Librarian and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Asian Languages and Literature in University of Iowa, and as the Head of East Asian Library and adjunct associate professor of East Asian Studies in University of Pittsburgh. He held affiliated professorship in Wuhan University, Huazhong Normal University, and Shanghai Jiaotong University. He served as the President of Council on East Asian Libraries in North America, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Award by this professional organization. He is the author of The Convergence of Civilizations (2023). He also edited and published many academic multivolume titles including Collecting Asia: East Asian Libraries in North America 1868-2008 (2011, with subsequent Chinese versions in 2012 and 2019), New-age novels of the Qing Dynasty (2011), Song and Yuan Editions in the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, University of California, Berkeley (2014), as well as many other monographic series and journal articles in major academic journals in China and in the West. His recent work as the Chief Editor on the papers by the famous Chinese linguists Y.R. Chao has resulted in the first publication of Y.R. Chao Diaries (2023), with several other series to be published in the years ahead.
金河那 | Hana Kim
Hana Kim is the Director of the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library at the University of Toronto (U of T). Previously, she served as the Head Librarian of the Asian Library at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Hana holds a Bachelor of Education from the Korean National University of Education and a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from McGill University.
Hana has authored numerous articles and chapters and has presented on various topics, including East Asian studies librarianship, Asian Canadian heritage, diversity, equity, and access. She played a key role in initiating the Korean Canadian Heritage Archives Project, a nationwide endeavor that aims to document and preserve the history and contributions of Korean Canadians in collaboration with UBC. At the University of Toronto, she has spearheaded initiatives to promote and engage with Asian Canadian heritage through library programs and activities. In addition, she served as the editor of "Asian Canadian Voices: Facets of Diversity" (2022).
Furthermore, Hana has led a major capital project at the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library, focusing on enhancing the student library experience, creating conducive study and learning spaces, and fostering community engagement.
Hana has received numerous awards for her work, including the Korean Canadian Heritage Award (2018), Samsung Public Life Bichumi Women's Awards (2008), and Harvard Min Chapbook Translation Award (2006). She has held various leadership positions in organizations such as the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL), where she served as President. Currently, she is an active member of the Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance (PRRLA) Steering Committee. Moreover, she is participating in several international organizations, including the Association of Research Libraries Kaleidoscope Program Task Force and the portal: Libraries and the Academy Editorial Board (Johns Hopkins University Press).
王乐 | Le Wang
Le Wang, Research Librarian, Associate University Librarian of Fudan University Library. Concil member of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, Member of the National Library Standardization Technical Committee, and the Concil member of the Shanghai Society for Scientific and Technical Information. Main areas in charge: Collection Development, Information/Knowledge Organization, Intelligence Studies, Special Collections Development and Services, CASHL related work.
王蕾 | Lei Wang
Lei Wang, Ph.D. in History, Research Librarian, Deputy Director of Sun Yat-sen University Library, Master tutor of School of Information Management and Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University. Member of IFLA Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters as well as Library History Special Interest Group etc, Director of Research Professional Group on Books and Library History of Academic Research Committee of Library Society of China, Standing Director of Guangdong Library Society, Professional committee member of Ancient Books Preservation and Conservation Association of China, etc. Visiting librarian of Harvard-Yenching Library and visiting scholar of the U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program. She has been host and participated in more than 50 research projects at national, provincial and ministerial levels. In recent years, she has been committed to research on the topics as collation and conservation of historical literature, the construction and long-term preservation of digital resources, and the cultural heritage digital conservation, published nearly 60 influential academic papers,5 personal academic monographs and edited nearly 20 books.
章柳怡 | Cecilia Zhang
Cecilia Zhang has been the Chinese Studies Librarian at University of Kansas since August 2022. Prior to becoming a librarian, she studied East Asian Studies and Art History in Canada. Her research interests include promoting diversity and equality in East Asian library collections, digital archives, visual and pop culture in East Asia, contemporary social movements in East Asia, subcultures of Japan, gender and queer theory, critical theory, and beyond
陈娟 | Juan Chen
Juan Chen studied in the statistic department of Xiamen University in 1999 and graduated with a master's degree in 2006. In 2016, she was a visiting librarian in the University of California, Berkeley of United States. Currently, she serves as the Deputy Director of Xiamen University Library (Associate Research Librarian) and a member of Digital Resources Acquisition Alliance (DRAA) board in China. Her main responsibilities include collection construction, China Academic Social Science and Humanities Library (CASHL) center operations, resource promotion, and asset management. She has accumulated rich theoretical knowledge and practical application experience in bibliometrics, collection evaluation, asset management, and open access publishing. Lately, Juan’s research has been focusing on the constructions of global academic information ecosystem and strategies of open access transformation.
王立 | Li Wang
Dr. Li Wang, Curator of the East Asian Collection at Brown University Library, and holds a most senior professional rank of Librarian IV. Graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy from Peking University, China, then taught at the Alma Mater before came to the United States. Here received an M.A. in Humanities (W. Kentucky University), an M.A. in Library and Information Science and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies (University of Iowa). Taught at Peking University, University of Iowa, and Brown University. Research and publications include comparative religion, Chinese philosophy and religions, Daoist inner alchemy and cultivation, library and information studies, history of book publishing in China, and Chinese cultural studies, especially martial arts. Served twice as Chair of Committee for Scholarly Activities, Society for Chinese Studies Librarians. Has made efforts on Sino-U.S. cultural and academic exchanges and collaborations, advocates that librarians should become envoys of cross-civilization exchanges and cooperation.
林如诗 | Rushi Lin
Rushi Lin is an acquisition librarian in the Resource Construction Department in Zhejiang University Library. Her research interests include literature resource construction, open access and digital humanities. So far she has published 3 papers in core journals. The relevant academic achievements have won the 2nd prize of excellent paper of the Third China Digital Humanities Conference, the 2nd prize of the paper in the 5th Sino-American Academic Library Forum on Development and Cooperation, the 3rd prize of Academic Library Excellent Achievement in Zhejiang, and the 2nd prize of the micro-course of the National University Information Culture and Information Quality Education Seminar.
付蓉 | Veronica Fu
Veronica Fu is the East Asian Collections Librarian at the University of Virginia. She also serves on the Membership Committee of Council on East Asian Libraries. With an MLIS degree from the University of British Columbia and an MA in English Language and Literature, specializing in Linguistics and Language Teaching from Beijing Normal University, she brings a unique blend of expertise to her current role. Beyond her academic background, Veronica demonstrates a strong commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion. This commitment informs her daily work, contributing to the accessibility and representation of East Asian materials within the university community. A testament to her dedication, she has collaborated with her colleagues on a forthcoming book chapter titled “Subject Heading Enhancement: A Reparative and Inclusive Practice at the University of Virginia Library”, scheduled to be published by ALA Editions in Fall 2023.
付齐仙 | Qixian Fu
Qixian Fu, Master of Management of China Agricultural University, assistant librarian, is currently working in the library construction team of Northwest A&F University, mainly participating in the construction of smart library. Engaged in research in knowledge management and knowledge services, such as scientific data management, university library knowledge services, library information resource construction, and smart library construction.
王成志 | Chengzhi Wang
Chengzhi Wang is Chinese Studies Librarian of C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Research Scholar of Weatherhead East Asian Institute, also member of the Board of Mary Elizabeth Wood Foundation based in Boston. He obtained his M.S. in library and information science and Ph.D. in education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His recent publications include the study of a special anthropological manuscript on Miao people of Guizhou Province and its transcription and annotations.
颜沁莹 | Qinying Yan
Qinying Yan is a librarian at the Resource Development Department of Zhejiang University Library, mainly responsible for digital resource construction, open access promotion, and others. She is engaged in the Open Access Team of the Digital Resource Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic Libraries (DRAA). Also, she has conducted open access information education through library websites, WeChat tweets, lectures, etc. Her research interests include open access publication, information resource construction and research data management.
卢世豪 | Leo S. Lo
Dr. Leo S. Lo is Dean and tenured Professor of the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences (CULLS) at the University of New Mexico. He oversees over 120 full-time faculty and staff, and provides leadership for all University Libraries operations; the Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences (OILS) degree programs; and the UNM University Press. Currently, Dr. Lo serves as the Vice-President/President-Elect of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). A frequent speaker and author, he is committed to ensuring that academic libraries remain at the forefront of innovation and play a vital role in the success of the university. Dr. Lo holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Management from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as multiple master’s degrees in survey research, library science, and screenwriting.
别立谦 | Liqian Bie
Liqian Bie is the Deputy Director and Research Librarian of Peking University Library. She has a master’s degree in Library Science. Currently she is responsible for resources development and services on books, journals, ancient books, special collections & electronic databases, and branch library development. She serves as the Deputy Director of the Professional Group for Resource Development and Sharing, Academic Research Committee, and a member of Professional Group for Library Collection management, Compilation and Publishing Committee, Library Society of China; vice chairman of Library Service Committee, Beijing Association of Higher Education; council member of the Digital Resources Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic Libraries (DRAA).
徐茹雪 | Ruxue Xu
Ruxue Xu is the Subject Librarian in Resources Development Services of Peking University Library. She is a member of Open Access Group, Digital Resource Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic Libraries (DRAA).
杨涛 | Tina Yang
香港大学图书馆助理馆长,负责总馆和分馆共7个图书馆网络学习和研究支援服务的战略策划,推广和实施。近年来,她积极与大学各个部门合作,共同建设大学研究出版物管理系统,开展书目计量与研究影响以及开放存取 等服务。
Ms Tina Yang, in her current role as the the Associate Librarian at the University of Hong Kong Libraries, provides strategic leadership in planning, promoting and delivering a wide range of learning and research services across the HKU Libraries network of seven libraries. During the recent years, she’s been working closely with other campus stakeholders in developing various research initiatives including the University’s new Research Information Management System, bibliometric and research impact services and open access publishing, etc.
Prior to this, she has diverse experience in library and information industry in Chinese mainland, Australia and China's Hong Kong. She has been actively involved in IFLA Regional Standing Committee of Asia and Oceania as a member (2011-2015), Secretary (2017-2019) and Chair (2019-2021), member of the Asia and Oceania Regional Division Committee (2021-2023). She is also the incoming member of IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section (2023-2027).
肖思哲 | Jesse Xiao
Mr. Jesse Xiao is currently serving as the Head of Scholarly Communication and Research Services, as well as the Medical Librarian at the University of Hong Kong. In his current role, Mr. Xiao is responsible for delivering research support services, as well as scholarly communication services. This includes overseeing services such as research data services, institutional repositories, research output management systems, bibliometrics and research impact services, open access, author identifiers, and profiles, tools for digital publishing and data sharing, and support for new modes of research dissemination. Additionally, he is responsible for overseeing and providing learning and research services at the HKU Medical Library. Mr. Xiao has also served on several international advisory boards and steering committees, including the board of directors in ORCID, FORCE11, and WDS etc. to lead the strategic planning and policy development.
吴亚平 | Yaping Wu
Yaping Wu is currently the Deputy Director of the Project Management Center, Peking University Library, responsible for comprehensive management work. She has been engaged in the circulation service and Reader Data mining, the management and discovery of Electronic resource, etc. Her research interests include data science, open science, digital resources, scientific evaluation, and beyond.
韩爽 | Shuang Han
Shuang Han, Jilin University Library, Associate Research Librarian.Mainly engaged in library and information analysis, scholars' scientific research support and reader learning support services, as well as library-related decision-making analysis and project research promotion.Participated in the completion of 2 CASHL projects, 3 projects of the Foreign Textbook Center of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, 1 key project of the Department of Culture of Jilin Province, and published 4 core papers.
何剑叶 | Jianye He
Jianye He is the Chinese studies librarian at the East Asian Library, UC Berkeley, in charge of the collection development, reference and reserch consultations, and library instructions related to Chinese studies at UC Berkeley. She has an MA in Classical Chinese Literature from Nanjing University and a MSIS degree from the State University of New York – Allbany, and worked in these two Universities before joining UC Berkeley. Jianye is a member of several professional organizations such as Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL), Society for Chinese Studies Librarians(SCSL), Chinese American Librarains Association(CALA), and Chinese Historical Society of America(CHSA). In 2021 she received "I Love My Librarian" award from the American Library Association (ALA).
顾淑彦 | Shuyan Gu
Associate Research Librarian of Lanzhou University Library, master of historical philology. She is mainly responsible for interlibrary loan and discipline service, etc. Her main research interests are library resource construction, historical philology, Dunhuang studies, etc. She has published many core journal papers and participated in a number of research projects.The representative papers are : “Strategies for the Construction and Development of Special Collection Literature Resources and Services in University libraries of Western China”,“Imitation and Guidance: A Research into the Relation between the Illustrations of the Raudraksa’s Battle with Sariputra and the Vimalakirti Sutra”, and “Discussion on the development Strategy of digital reading service in university libraries in western China” and so on.
邹秀英 | Xiuying Zou
Xiuying Zou, Head of the Asian Library, The Claremont Colleges Library. She graduated from the Sichuan Normal University, and Sichuan Foreign Languages Institute with a BA in English, and an MA in Political Science, and an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh. She has extensive experience in reference and research consultation in Chinese studies in North American, and currently serves on the Executive Board of the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL), and the Executive Board of the Society for Chinese Studies Librarians (SCSL). Her research interest includes history of the book in East Asia, Asian American history, and primary source literacy. Her research accomplishment includes published articles and bi-lingual dictionaries in library science and translated books of missionary literature.
Brief Introduction to the Moderators
姚晓霞 | Xiaoxia Yao
Xiaoxia Yao is the Deputy Director and Research Librarian of Peking University Library, Deputy Director of China Academic Humanities and Social Sciences Library (CASHL), Deputy Director of China Academic Library and Information System (CALIS), Secretary-General of Sub-society for Academic Library, Library Society of China. Her Main research fields include library consortium construction, resource development, resource sharing, cooperative purchasing, resource and service evaluation, etc. She has published more than 30 articles and 2 books.
兰利琼 | Liqiong Lan
Dr. Liqiong Lan is the Dean of Libraries and Professor at College of Life Sciences at Sichuan University. She is also a member of the University General Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education. She dedicates herself to the exploration of innovative library services from a user’s perspective.
胡美华 | Esther Woo
香港大学图书馆执行馆长及冯平山图书馆馆长, 曾担任编目、读者服务、人力资源、财务及设施管理等工作,并历任行政部主管、流通部主管及图书馆副馆长,参与策划多个图书馆发展项目及馆藏发展。胡馆长曾就读香港大学及加拿大麦基尔大学,获文学士、图书馆及信息科学硕士、公共行政硕士及教育博士资历。其研究包括馆员培训、学习空间及学习行为、读者体验、图书馆领导等范畴。胡馆长近年致力发展跨部门协作, 透过创新及数码化服务开放图书馆馆藏作教学及研究之用。
Esther Woo is Director of Library Services and Fung Ping Shan Librarian of the University of Hong Kong Libraries. She had worked in cataloguing, reader services, human resources, financial and facility management before taking up supervisory roles as Head of Administrative Services, Head of Lending Services and Deputy University Librarian. Esther graduated from the University of Hong Kong (BA; MPA; EdD) and McGill University (MLIS). Her research interests include staff development, learning spaces, learning behaviors, user experience and library leadership. Through inter-departmental collaboration in recent years, Esther actively promotes the open access of library collections for teaching, learning and research with innovative and digitization services.
崔琼 | Qiong Cui
Qiong Cui, Associate Research Librarian, Deputy Director of Wuhan University Library. She is also a member of the 7th Council of the China Society of Indexers and the 9th Committee of the Chinese Society of Medical Information. She has long been engaged in the collection development and related management in university libraries.
王晓彤 | Xiaotong Wang
Xiaotong Wang is the East Asian Cataloging Team Leader and Chinese Studies Specialist at the University of Oregon Libraries. She is responsible for managing the UO’s Chinese studies collections, supporting teaching and research and liaison work with East Asian faculty, and leading the East Asian Cataloging team in providing cataloging and technical support in the East Asian languages. She holds a BA in English and a MA in Asian Studies.
赵兴胜 | Xingsheng Zhao
Xingsheng Zhao,doctor of History,Currently Director of Library of Shandong University,a Professor and doctoral supervisor. The main research fields are modern and contemporary Chinese history,management and construction of library. He is also the Director of China Library Society, Director of Chinese History Association, chairman of History Association of Shandong Province, and Deputy Director as well as secretary general of University Library Working Committee of Shandong Province.
陈肃 | Su Chen
加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)东亚图书馆馆长。 曾任华中科技大学哲学系助教,讲师、麦吉尔大学东亚研究馆员,明尼苏达大学东亚图书馆馆长。 2015年馆长一职由匿名捐赠者捐资冠名Su Chen Endowed Head of Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library。 其研究兴趣集中在海外中国研究的出版与趋势、北美东亚图书馆历史、及北美藏中国研究相关文献资源的发掘与介绍。 近期出版物有《海外中国研究现状与趋势分析:2006-2016》,《北美民国研究档案资源指要》, 《美国明尼苏达大学图书馆藏基督教男青年会档案-中国年度报告1896-1949及国际干事小传及会所小史》等。
Su Chen earned her BA and MA in Philosophy from Guizhou University and Huazhong University of Science & Technology in China and a MLIS from McGill University, Canada. She served as East Asian Studies Librarian at McGill University and Head of East Asian Library at the University of Minnesota. In 2011, she was appointed Head of Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library at UCLA. And in 2015, her position was endowed and named as Su Chen Endowed Head of the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library. Her research interests primarily are in three areas, publication trends of English monographs on Chinese studies; archival resources related to China and history of East Asian libraries.
童云海 | Yunhai Tong
Yunhai Tong is the Deputy Director of Peking University Library, the Professor in the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Peking University, the Deputy Director of Engineering Research Center for Mobile Digital Hospital System, Ministry of Education, and he is a member of Smart City Committee of Experts, China Institute of Communication. He is mainly engaged in the research and teaching of big data analysis modeling and data privacy protection. In recent years, he has independently hosted and participated in 5 national-level projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Science and Technology Support Programs, and has hosted 6 provincial-level projects. He has won the special prize and the first prize of science and technology respectively in the provincial and ministerial level, and published more than 80 research papers.
中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library,CASHL)
中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library, CASHL)是在中华人民共和国教育部的领导下,以“共建·共知·共享”为原则,以“整体建设,分布服务”为方针,为高校人文社会科学的教学和科研提供文献资源的保障体系。中国高校人文社会科学文献中心的具体职责是组织具有学科优势、文献资源优势、和服务条件优势的若干高校图书馆,有计划、有系统地引进和收藏国外人文社会科学文献资源,借助现代化网络,采用集中式门户(http://www.cashl.edu.cn)和分布式服务相结合的方式,为中国高校、研究机构和学者提供综合性的文献信息服务。中国高校人文社会科学文献中心的资源服务体系由2个全国中心(北京大学、复旦大学),7个区域中心(武汉大学、吉林大学、中山大学、南京大学、四川大学、兰州大学、北京师范大学),8个学科中心(东北师范大学、华东师范大学、南开大学、山东大学、清华大学、厦门大学、浙江大学、中国人民大学)和902家成员馆构成。
The China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library (CASHL) is a guarantee system to provide resources supporting university curriculum and research on social sciences and humanities. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Education of the People‘s Republic of China, CASHL adheres to the guideline of “Comprehensive Construction, Distribution Services” and the principles of “resource co-collecting, knowledge access and equal sharing”. CASHL’s mission is to select a number of top university libraries that have discipline specialization and service capabilities to collect imported resources on social sciences and humanities in a planned and systematic manner . With the assistance of modern network,a centralized portal
(http://www.cashl.edu.cn) which combines distributed collections and services is designed and established to provide information service to the universities and research institutes in China. CASHL System consists of 17 core libraries, as 2 national centers (Peking University and Fudan University), and 7 regional centers (Wuhan University, Jilin University, Sun Yat-sen University, Nanjing University, and Sichuan University, Beijing Normal University, Lanzhou University), and 8 disciplinary centers (Northeast Normal University, East China Normal University, Nankai University, Shandong University, Tsinghua University, Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, and Renmin University of China Libraries) and 902 member libraries.
北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society of Chinese Studies Librarians,SCSL)
北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society for Chinese Studies Librarians, SCSL)是一个在美国注册,非赢利,非政治的学术组织。北美中国研究图书馆员学会的宗旨是在北美为从事中国研究的图书馆员提供一个开展学术活动,交流专业经验,共享信息资源,加强合作的平台。2010年3月,学会成立于费城,成员来自北美50余所高校研究型图书馆,多为东亚图书馆馆长,中文部主任,资深研究馆员,以及兴趣于中国文献资源的学者。由于学会成员都毕业于中国最优秀的大学,在北美取得硕博士学位,长期从事文献资源的研究,教学,和图书馆专业工作,日濡月染于中西文化,兼具中西学术底蕴和语言专长,因此在促进中外文化交流,特别是在图书馆的领域,发挥了特殊的桥梁作用。学会的学术刊物是《天禄论丛》。
Registered in United States, The Society for Chinese Studies Librarians (the SCSL thereafter) is a non-profit, non-political academic organization aimed at promoting scholarly activities, professional exchange, information sharing, and project collaboration among Chinese Studies Librarians, so as to better contribute to Chinese Studies in general and to research with Chinese resources in particular. The SCSL members are Chinese Studies Librarians who join the organization of their own free will. The SCSL also accepts applicants who are not Chinese Studies Librarian, yet possess a strong interest in conducting research on resources related to Chinese Studies.
北京大学图书馆 Peking University Library
经过百二十五年的发展,北京大学图书馆已经形成了宏大丰富、学科齐全、珍品荟萃的馆藏体系,现有纸质文献800多万册,古籍160万册。电子资源种类齐全,现有数据库470个,电子期刊11万余种。总馆全年开放楼内服务354天,每周开馆112小时,线上提供365天 x 24小时服务。
Peking University Library, established in 1898, is an ancient yet modern institution and the first national comprehensive university library in China. Comprising the main library, the medical library, and 41 branch libraries, Peking University Library serves as a crucial support for talent cultivation and scientific research innovation, a guarantee for academic competitiveness and intellectual leadership, and a vital platform for campus cultural construction and information resource management. Throughout the years, generations of students have acquired knowledge and embarked on innovative explorations from here.
After 125 years of development, Peking University Library currently holds over 8 million printed collections, 1.6 million ancient books, and an extensive range of electronic resources, including 470 databases and over 110,000 electronic journals. The main library is open for service 354 days a year, with 112 opening hours per week, and provides a 365 days × 24 hours online service all year round.
Moving forward, Peking University Library will adhere to the basic principles of being "user-and service-oriented" and actively integrate into the university's mission of cultivating virtue and building a "world-class universities and first-class disciplines" institution. The library will continuously develop collection construction and information service, explore new areas of innovation and strive to become a world-class library.