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Provider Resource name Description Click To Visit
Adam Matthew Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954

Jewish Life in America offers access to primary source material exploring the history of Jewish communities in America from their first arrival in New York in 1654 to the integral part that they play today. A wide range of documents is available including a peddler’s certificate signed by Benjamin Franklin. The material is held by the American Jewish Historical Society in New York . For more information:… The availability status for all records in this collection is set to "Full text available". We recommend that only subscribers activate this collection.

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JSTOR Journals: Open Access

JSTOR Journals Open Access includes current and archival articles spanning all JSTOR subject areas. All libraries are encouraged to activate this resource. For more information:

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Luna Imaging, Inc. Japanese Historical Maps

Luna Commons presents the Japanese Historical Maps Collection of the East Asian Library. It features images of selected maps and books including woodblock-print maps dating from the Tokugawa period (1600-1867); rare maps of the cites of Edo (modern Tokyo), Kyoto, and Osaka, and other cities. For more information:

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Publishing Technology (IngentaConnect) John Benjamins Publishing Company

IngentaConnect from Publishing Technology offers the academic and professional research articles published by more than 200 publishers in thousands of publications, via a streamlined user interface.? The list of hosted publishers is found here:;jsessionid=boy6p1mokatv.alexandra?typ… ??For more information:

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Publishing Technology (IngentaConnect) Journal of Transport Economics and Policy

IngentaConnect from Publishing Technology offers the academic and professional research articles published by more than 200 publishers in thousands of publications, via a streamlined user interface.? The list of hosted publishers is found here:;jsessionid=boy6p1mokatv.alexandra?typ… ??For more information:

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