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Provider Resource name Description Click To Visit
Adam Matthew Literary Manuscripts from the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library

This collection offers access victorian manuscripts from renowned authors including Thomas Hardy, Henry James, and more. The original documents are housed at the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of The New York Public Library. For more information:… The availability status for all records in this collection is set to "Full text available". We recommend that only subscribers activate this collection.

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Adam Matthew Literary Manuscripts from the Brotherton Library of Leeds University

This collection offers access to 190 manuscripts of 17th and 18th century verse held in the Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. For more information:… The availability status for all records in this collection is set to "Full text available". We recommend that only subscribers activate this collection.

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Adam Matthew London Low Life

This collection explores the gin palaces, brothels and East End slums of nineteenth century London through a wide range of primary source material. For more information: The availability status for all records in this collection is set to "Full text available". We recommend that only subscribers activate this collection.

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Alexander Street Press Latino Literature

“Latino” here refers to all United States citizens with Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, and South American heritage. This collection includes novels, short stories, poetry, and plays that tell the stories of Aztlan, the mythical homeland of the Aztecs, and present the Spanish heritage of the authors. The literature addresses social upheaval, the migratory experience, self-exploration, and life in the barrio, among other themes. The majority of this literature is in English, with approximately 25% of the collection in Spanish. For more information: The availability status for all records in this collection is set to "Full text available". We recommend that only subscribers activate this collection.

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Alexander Street Press LGBT Studies in Video (Outside North America)

"This collection offers a cross-discipline perspective on the LGBT political, cultural and social movements throughout the twentieth century and into the present day. It provides key resources of interest to students and researchers in sociology, anthropology, psychology, counseling, history, political science, gender studies, cultural studies, and religious studies. For more information: Subscribers outside North America should activate this collection. The availability status for all records in this collection is set to "Full text available". We recommend that only subscribers activate this collection.

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Alexander Street Press LGBT Thought and Culture

LGBT Thought and Culture hosts the key works and archival documentation of LGBT political and social movements throughout the 20th century and into the present day. The collection includes archival material from local and national organizations as well as the personal papers of notable figures. It will grow to contain 150,000 pages of rare archival content, including seminal texts, letters, periodicals, speeches, interviews, and ephemera. The collection will grow to include published works and archival materials from around the world, with a particular focus on Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America. This text based collection complements the visual materials in LGBT Studies in Video. For more information: The availability status for all records in this collection is set to "Full text available". We recommend that only subscribers activate this collection.

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East View Information Services Library and Information Sciences

The Universal Database of Library Science is the first full-text online database of the most influential professional journals for librarians published in Russian language. The database includes publications from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries and designed for librarians, bibliographers, information service specialists, and library analysts.

Gale LegalTrac

This collection caters to students, law school faculty, and legal researchers. It is a comprehensive collection of major legal publications, indexing more than 1,500 major law reviews, legal newspapers, Bar Association journals, and so on. For more information:

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Gale Literature Resource Center

This collection is geared to literary research in English, World Literatures, Film, Theater, and the Humanities in general. It includes biographical, critical, and contextual materials that suppose interdisciplinary approaches, information literacy, and critical thinking skills. Texts cover international authors, their works, from all eras, including reference works, critical essays, and literature. For more information:

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Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches pour le Fran?ais Langue Internationale (GERFLINT) Le GERFLINT Synergies

Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches pour le Fran?ais Langue Internationale (GERFLINT) is a global program for publishing and dissemination of Francophone scientific materials related to the Foundation House of Human Sciences, with headquarters in France. It creates, coordinates, publishes, edits and indexes a global network of scientific journals meet international scientific and editorial standards. All its publications are directly accessible online.

Institutional Repositories Leeds Beckett University Repository (Leeds Beckett University)

This collection contains the records of Leeds Beckett University Repository, the institutional repository of Leeds Beckett University (formerly Leeds Metropolitan University). Some records are embargoed and require a subscription for full text access. This collection includes Leed's research database and does not include OER content. For more information:

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Institutional Repositories Leiden University Repository

This collection contains the Leiden Repository, including both the scholarly publications and the student theses of Leiden University. Where possible, the publications have been made freely accessible (open access). For more information:

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Institutional Repositories Lirias (KU Leuven Association)

The collection contains the open access materials of the Lirias document repository which serves as the digital archive of KU Leuven Association research. The resources include articles, conference proceedings, dissertations, text reviews and book chapters and span the range of humanities, social sciences, and sciences as well as law, engineering and biomedical research. For more information:

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Institutional Repositories Loughborough University Institutional Repository

Loughborough's IR contains over 12,000 full-text items and includes journal papers, book chapters, conference papers, theses and audiovisual material. For more information:

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Institutional Repositories LSE Research Online (London School of Economics and Political Science)

The collection contains the open access materials of the LSE Research Online collection, the institutional repository of the London School of Economics and Political Science. It contains research produced by LSE staff and doctoral students. The works span the range of the social sciences and include journal articles, book chapters, books, working papers, conference papers and other materials. For more information:

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Institutional Repositories LSE Theses Online (London School of Economics and Political Science)

The collection contains the online archive of PhD theses for the London School of Economics and Political Science. It contains completed and examined theses from doctoral candidates who have studied at LSE in an open access platform. The works span the range of the social sciences. For more information:

Institutional Repositories LSHTM Research Online (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

This collection contains the open access records of LSHTM Research Online, the institutional repository of research conducted by the staff of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Subject areas include Epidemiology, Immunology, Global Health, and more. For more information:

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LexisNexis LexisNexis Academic Law Reviews

This collection offers articles from hundreds of law reviews primarily from the United States. For more about LexisNexis Academic Law Reviews:…

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Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Lexxion English Journals

This collection is composed of Lexxion’s English-language journals. Lexxion publications focus on competition law, environmental and planning law, building and real estate law, and tax and public procurement law. For more information:

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Library of Congress Library of Congress Collections of Historical Content

Records in this collections represent various collections available online through American Memory, Global Gateway, and elsewhere on the Library of Congress web site. For more information:

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Library of Congress Library of Congress Digitized Serials

The serials in this collection are available through Chronicling America, American Memory, and elsewhere on the Library of Congress web site. For more information

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Library of Congress Library of Congress Maps, Atlases

This collection includes maps and atlases from the Library's Geography and Map Division offered through the Map Collections page in American Memory. For more information:

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Library of Congress Library of Congress Motion Pictures

This collection offers records from the motion pictures collections at the Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcast, and Recorded Sound Division in American Memory. Notable offerings include movies made by Thomas Edison and his staff; films chronicling the life of Theodore Roosevelt; early animations; films made for the Westinghouse company and other movies documenting Americans at work and leisure; films of of San Francisco before and after the 1906 earthquake, and films of the Spanish-American War. Movies still protected by copyright are not included. For more information:…

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Library of Congress Library of Congress Photos

This collection offers many collections of photographs including Washington as It Was: Photographs by Theodor Horydczak, 1923-1959; Architecture and Interior Design for 20th Century America: Photographs by Samuel Gottscho and William Schleisner, 1935-1955; "Suffering Under a Great Injustice": Ansel Adams's Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar; Taking the Long View: Panoramic Photographs, 1851-1991; Glass negatives from the Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright; Selected civil war photographs, 1861-1865; Lomax Collection of Photographs Depicting Folk Musicians, and more. For more information:

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Library of Congress Library of Congress Posters

This collection the Library's By the People, For the People: Posters from the WPA, 1936-1943 and World War I poster collection. The former offers posters produced by various branches of the Work Projects Administration. For more information:

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